我怎样才能让它适用于透明的 gif 和 png?

function resizeImage($image,$newImage,$target_width,$target_height, $type="") {
    if (is_file($image)) {
        if($type == ".gif"){
        if ($image_org) {
            list($w,$h,$type,$attr) = getimagesize($image);

            if ($factor>1) {
                $image_w = $w / $factor;
                $image_h = $h / $factor;
            } else {
                $image_w = $w;
                $image_h = $h;

        //Note: PHP with GD2.0 required for imagecreatetruecolor
        $img_copy = imagecreatetruecolor($image_w, $image_h);
        imagecopyresampled($img_copy, $image_org, 0, 0, 0, 0, $image_w, $image_h, $w, $h);

            if (@imagejpeg($img_copy, $newImage, 80)) {
            }   else {
                echo("<b>Error: </b>Unable to create image $newImage. Check directory permissions.");


5 回答 5


此功能非常适合我调整 jpg 和透明(或不透明)gif 的大小:

function resizeImage($originalImage, $toWidth, $toHeight, $isJPG)
    // Get the original geometry and calculate scales
    list($width, $height) = getimagesize($originalImage);
    $xscale = $width / $toWidth;
    $yscale = $height / $toHeight;

    // Recalculate new size with default ratio
    if ($yscale > $xscale) {
        $new_width = round($width * (1 / $yscale));
        $new_height = round($height * (1 / $yscale));
    } else {
        $new_width = round($width * (1 / $xscale));
        $new_height = round($height * (1 / $xscale));

    // Resize the original image
    if ($isJPG) {
        $imageResized = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);
        $imageTmp = imagecreatefromjpeg($originalImage);
        imagecopyresampled($imageResized, $imageTmp, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height);
    } else {
        //$imageResized = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);
        //$imageTmp = imagecreatefromgif ($originalImage);
        //imagecopyresampled($imageResized, $imageTmp, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height);

        # what follows is for resizing a gif, transparent or not
        # http://ru2.php.net/imagecopyresampled
        # load/create images
        $imageTmp = imagecreatefromgif($originalImage);
        $imageResized = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);
        imagealphablending($imageResized, false);

        # get and reallocate transparency-color
        $transindex = imagecolortransparent($imageTmp);
        if ($transindex >= 0) {
            $transcol = imagecolorsforindex($imageTmp, $transindex);
            $transindex = imagecolorallocatealpha(
            imagefill($imageResized, 0, 0, $transindex);

        # resample
        imagecopyresampled($imageResized, $imageTmp, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height);

        # restore transparency
        if ($transindex >= 0) {
            imagecolortransparent($imageResized, $transindex);
            for ($y = 0; $y < $new_height; ++$y) {
                for ($x = 0; $x < $new_width; ++$x) {
                    if (((imagecolorat($imageResized, $x, $y) >> 24) & 0x7F) >= 100) {

        # save GIF
        imagetruecolortopalette($imageResized, true, 255);
        imagesavealpha($imageResized, false);
    return $imageResized;

原始函数来自 PhpToys 1.0,与透明 .gifs 一起使用的部分来自这个 PHP 文档注释

于 2009-05-12T04:41:41.723 回答

我有同样的问题,透明度不适用于PNG,当它与PNG一起使用时,它只是不适用于GIF,我整天都在寻找解决方案,直到我找到这个功能“ Maxim's,智能调整图像大小

$info = getimagesize($file);

switch ( $info[2] ) {
    case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $image = imagecreatefromgif($file); break;
    case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($file); break;
    case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $image = imagecreatefrompng($file); break;
    default: return false;

# This is the resizing/resampling/transparency-preserving magic
$image_resized = imagecreatetruecolor( $final_width, $final_height );

if ( ($info[2] == IMAGETYPE_GIF) || ($info[2] == IMAGETYPE_PNG) ) {
    $transparency = imagecolortransparent($image);
    if ($transparency >= 0) {

        $transparent_color = imagecolorsforindex($image, $trnprt_indx);
        $transparency = imagecolorallocate($image_resized, $trnprt_color['red'], $trnprt_color['green'], $trnprt_color['blue']);
        imagefill($image_resized, 0, 0, $transparency);
        imagecolortransparent($image_resized, $transparency);

    elseif ($info[2] == IMAGETYPE_PNG) {

        imagealphablending($image_resized, false);
        $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_resized, 0, 0, 0, 127);
        imagefill($image_resized, 0, 0, $color);
        imagesavealpha($image_resized, true);


imagecopyresampled($image_resized, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $final_width, $final_height, $width_old, $height_old);

某些变量只有小错误,因此您必须按如下方式分配它们以消除 $trnprt_indx 和 $trnprt_color 的错误

$trnprt_color['red'] = 255;
$trnprt_color['green'] = 255;
$trnprt_color['blue'] = 255;
$trnprt_indx = 127;


于 2015-02-21T17:25:24.150 回答

It looks like you're only outputting to jpeg - which doesn't have transparency. If you want to output the transparency, you need to output a gif or png.

If you want to replace the transparency with a colour, I think you want the php function imagecolorallocatealpha

于 2009-04-07T08:40:52.317 回答


这也适用于 gif:

if($type == ".gif"){
于 2009-04-07T08:46:38.187 回答


$sourceImage = imagecreatefromgif('./enjoy.gif');
$newWidth = 220;
$newHeight = 120;

//Blank canvas
$destImage = imagecreatetruecolor($newWidth, $newHeight);

$transColorIndex = imagecolortransparent($sourceImage); 
// Returns the index of the transparent color: 119

$transRGBColor = imagecolorsforindex($sourceImage, $transColorIndex); 
//Returns the RGB of the index color: [red] => 255 [green] => 255 [blue] => 255 [alpha] => 127 
//In this case it's white but can be anaything

$transGdColor = imagecolorallocate($destImage, $transRGBColor['red'], $transRGBColor['green'], $transRGBColor['blue']); 
// Returns: 16777215   //A GD color identifier created with imagecolorallocate().

imagefill($destImage, 0, 0, $transGdColor);
//Fills the blank image with that color

imagecolortransparent($destImage, $transGdColor);
//Sets that color as transparent

imagecopyresampled($destImage, $sourceImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, imagesx($sourceImage), imagesy($sourceImage));

header ( 'Content-type:image/gif' );
于 2021-03-26T10:52:47.327 回答