我正在使用 2 个进程池来并行解析多个日志文件,

po = Pool(processes=2)
pool_object = po.apply_async(log_parse, (hostgroup_sender_dir, hostname, host_depot_dir,        synced_log, prev_last_pos, get_report_rate), )

(curr_last_pos, remote_report_datetime, report_gen_rate) = pool_object.get()

然而,它在初始运行时相当慢,大约 12 个 ~20Mb 文件约 16 分钟。

考虑到我将每 2 或 3 分钟解析一次日志新字节,在下一次迭代中不会有太大问题,但在第一次运行时肯定还有改进的余地。将日志预先分割成几个较小的拼接(这样 pyparse 就不必将整个日志分配到内存中)会加快速度吗?

我仍在双核开发 VM 上运行它,但很快将不得不迁移到四核物理服务器(我将尝试获得额外的四核 CPU),它可能需要能够管理 ~50日志。


log_splice = """
# XX_MAIN     (23143) Report at 2011-08-30 20:00:00.003    Type:  Periodic     #
# Report number 1790                                        State: Active      #
# Running since                  : 2011-08-12 04:40:06.153                     #
# Total execution time           :  18 day(s) 15:19:53.850                     #
# Last report date               : 2011-08-30 19:45:00.002                     #
# Time since last periodic report:   0 day(s) 00:15:00.000                     #
                            |       Periodic        |          Global          |
Simultaneous Accesses       |  Curr  Max Cumulative |      Max    Cumulative   |
--------------------------- |  ---- ---- ---------- |     ---- -------------   |
Accesses                    |     1    5          - |      180             -   |
- in start/stop state       |     1    5      12736 |      180      16314223   |
Accesses per Second         |    Max   Occurr. Date |      Max Occurrence Date |
--------------------------- | ------ -------------- |   ------ --------------- |
Accesses per second         |  21.00 08-30 19:52:33 |    40.04  08-16 20:19:18 |
Service Statistics          |  Success    Total  %  |   Success      Total  %  |
--------------------------- | -------- -------- --- | --------- ---------- --- |
Services accepted accesses  |    17926    17927  99 |  21635954   21637230 -98 |
- 98: NF                    |     7546     7546 100 |  10992492   10992492 100 |
- 99: XFC                   |    10380    10380 100 |  10643462   10643462 100 |
 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Services succ. terminations |    12736    12736 100 |  16311566   16314222  99 |
- 98: NF                    |     7547     7547 100 |  10991401   10992492  99 |
- 99: XFC                   |     5189     5189 100 |   5320165    5321730  99 |
 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

使用 pyparse,

unparsed_log_data = input_log.read()

# Define Grammars
integer = Word( nums )

# XX_MAIN     ( 4801) Report at 2010-01-25 06:55:00
binary_name = "# XX_MAIN"
pid = "(" + Word(nums) + ")"
report_id = Suppress(binary_name) + Suppress(pid)

# Word as a contiguous set of characters found in the string nums
year = Word(nums, max=4)
month = Word(nums, max=2)
day = Word(nums, max=2)
# 2010-01-25 grammar
yearly_day_bnf = Combine(year + "-" + month + "-" + day)
# 06:55:00. grammar
clock24h_bnf = Combine(Word(nums, max=2) + ":" + Word(nums, max=2) + ":" + Word(nums,     max=2) + Suppress("."))
timestamp_bnf = Combine(yearly_day_bnf + White(' ') + clock24h_bnf)("timestamp")

report_bnf = report_id + Suppress("Report at ") + timestamp_bnf

# Service Statistics          |  Success    Total  %  | 
# Services succ. terminations |       40       40 100 |   3494775    3497059  99 |
partial_report_ignore = Suppress(SkipTo("Services succ. terminations", include=True))
succ_term_bnf = Suppress("|") + integer("succTerms") + integer("totalTerms")
terminations_report_bnf = report_bnf + partial_report_ignore + succ_term_bnf

# Apply the BNF to the unparsed data
terms_parsing = terminations_report_bnf.searchString(unparsed_log_data)

1 回答 1



  1. 它将问题分解为易于并行化的块
  2. 在处理完初始积压的日志数据后,它将您的解析器定位为处理增量日志处理


编辑(这个问题已经演变成更多关于 pyparsing 调优的话题......)

我发现最好定义Combine(lots+of+expressions+here)使用 pyparsing Regex 表达式构建的低级原语。这通常适用于实数或时间戳等表达式,例如:

# 2010-01-25 grammar
yearly_day_bnf = Combine(year + "-" + month + "-" + day)
yearly_day_bnf = Regex(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}")

# 06:55:00. grammar
clock24h_bnf = Combine(Word(nums, max=2) + ":" + 
                       Word(nums, max=2) + ":" + 
                       Word(nums, max=2) + Suppress("."))
clock24h_bnf = Regex(r"\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.")
clock24h_bnf.setParseAction(lambda tokens:tokens[0][:-1])

timestamp_bnf = Combine(yearly_day_bnf + White(' ') + clock24h_bnf)
timestamp_bnf = Regex(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s+\d{1,2}:\d{2}:\d{2}")


请注意,我还从 timestamp_bnf 中删除了结果名称。我通常会从原语定义中去掉结果名称,并在将它们组装成更高级别的表达式时添加它们,这样我就可以多次使用相同的原语,但名称不同,例如:

summary = ("Started:" + timestamp_bnf("startTime") + 
           "Ended:" + timestamp_bnf("endTime"))



report_bnf = report_id + Suppress("Report at ") + timestamp_bnf("reportTime")


# XX_MAIN     (23143) Report at 2011-08-30 20:00:00.003

和来自这一行的 2 个整数字段:

Services succ. terminations |    12736    12736 100 |  16311566   16314222  99 |


report_bnf = report_id + Suppress("Report at") + timestamp_bnf("reportTime")
succ_term_bnf = (Suppress("Services succ. terminations") + Suppress("|") + 
                        integer("succTerms") + integer("totalTerms"))
log_data_sources_bnf = report_bnf | succ_term_bnf

extractLogData = lambda logentry : sum(log_data_sources_bnf.searchString(logentry))

print extractLogData(log_slice).dump()

Pyparsing 总是比 RE 慢,在您的情况下,pyparsing 解析器可能只是原型设计的垫脚石。我确定我无法使用 pyparsing 解析器获得 500 倍的性能,您可能只需要使用基于 RE 的解决方案来处理 Mb 的日志文件。

于 2011-08-29T23:58:12.267 回答