I'm currently trying to style a <meter> tag in all major browsers: IE7-9, FF, Chrome, Safari and even Opera. I've managed to remove the default <meter> styling by using the following CSS code:

meter::-webkit-meter-bar, meter::-webkit-meter-optimum-value, meter::-webkit-meter-suboptimum-value, meter::-webkit-meter-even-less-good-value {
  background: 0;

This technique works fine in all mentioned browsers, except Opera! It keeps showing the default green meter. Any idea on how to "destyle" the <meter> tag in Opera?


2 回答 2


There is no way yet to style such elements in Opera. There is a proposal called Component Object Model which will obliquely allow us to do such styling when it is in a Working Draft, but we are not close to one.

Webkit has implemented a method that is not in any standard and just a suggestion, and I wouldn't assume this is how it would in the future. Most likely these pseudo-element names would change.

于 2011-09-09T13:13:29.467 回答

Before I start: shouldn't it be background: transparent; or background: inherit;? See the background property in HTML Dog.

I think you're misunderstanding. The meter::-webkit-meter-bar selector should have no effect at all on IE, FF and Opera since the -webkit part is a selector for Webkit. Chrome and Safari use Webkit as a render engine, but FF uses Gecko, Opera uses Presto, etc.

For FF you would probably need something like -moz-meter-bar...
For Opera I do not know. This Opera community page seems to imply that the prefix would be -o rather than -webkit or -moz.
Good luck.

It's also a good practice to include the "normal" selector when adding such rules.
(And if you're lucky, this might just make it work in Opera.)

meter::meter-even-less-good-value {
  background: transparent;
于 2011-08-29T10:17:51.803 回答