不过,我也会对这个前提高度怀疑。DISTINCT 确实是一个 CPU 密集型查询。但是, COUNT(*) 也是如此,您的第二个查询将首先运行带有 group by 的计数聚合,然后对结果运行 COUNT。我会为单个 DISTINCT 调用更快地投入资金(我还会检查您使用的任何数据库后端)。所有这些都与 django 的 ORM 几乎没有关系,而与您的数据库后端有很大关系。
也想想这个。与基于注释的查询相比,基于不同的查询在完成什么方面更清晰一个数量级。您是否有证据支持 DISTINCT 在您的情况下会变慢,或者更好的是它现在正在形成瓶颈?如果不是,您已经进入过早优化的范围,应该重新考虑您的路径。
The result will be obscure, hard to write, hard to debug, and hard to maintain code that doesn't solve your problem. Thus it has the dual disadvantage of (a) increasing software development and software maintenance costs, and (b) having no performance effect at all.
In other words write your software clearly and then when you find a problem trace it to the source and fix it. Anything you do before that is counterproductive. Spend your time worrying about which indexes are going to matter on your db, and where to use select_related. Those are 10000% more effective than what you are worrying about here (unless you are counting zip codes all the time, in which case let me introduce you to caching)