我想从 png 文件在 Mac 上创建光标 rsrc 文件。使用游标的应用程序要求它采用 .rsrc 格式,我无法更改它。有谁知道我可以从 png 图像创建光标 .rsrc 文件的任何方式。


4 回答 4


您可以使用Rezilla在 Mac OS X 上编辑资源文件,它有一个 CURS(和 crsr)编辑器等。它是一个 PowerPC 二进制文件,但它在英特尔的 Rosetta 下运行良好。

此外,您无需创建 CURS 资源文件,而是创建资源文件并根据需要向其中添加尽可能多的 CURS 资源。资源分叉是通用的,可以包含任意数量/种类的资源。

于 2008-09-16T18:16:30.947 回答

根据此链接http://www.macfixit.com/article.php?story=20060621071707921我需要一台 Power PC Mac 才能运行 Mac 经典版。这是正确的吗?我有一台运行 Mac OS 10.4.11 的 Intel Mac。是否有任何其他工具能够在 Intel Mac 上运行并且可以帮助我创建 CURS rsrc 文件。我尝试使用 ResKnife,但它似乎没有创建 CURS rsrc 文件的选项。

于 2008-09-16T14:27:14.197 回答

Its been a long time since I've thought about MacOS resource forks. Are you using the classic MacOS (i.e. before MacOS X)?

As I recall, ResEdit was the application most often used to manipulate the resource fork of a classic Mac application. I know it can edit cursor resources, but I don't recall if it can read PNG files. You may need to convert the files to GIF.

ResEdit is a Classic MacOS application. MacOS X prior to 10.5 could run Classic apps in emulation, but in 10.5 this support has been removed. You'd need to find a system either running the classic MacOS directly, or running 10.4 with Classic installed.

于 2008-09-16T13:50:19.510 回答

If by .rsrc file you mean a standard Mac resource file, you can use the Resource Manager to save the image in a file of the appropriate format.

于 2008-09-16T17:59:49.317 回答