I am looking for automatic Ear deployment for WAS6 application. Is there any default scripts provided by WAS6? If Yes, Please provide me script names and please explain me, how to use that. It would be great help for me.

If there is no default scripts available to deploy ear, How to proceed to write script.

Please do needful.

Thanks in Advance


1 回答 1


WebSphere Application Server 提供了一个脚本工具,wsadmin可用于自动部署应用程序。有关更多详细信息,请参阅此信息中心文档

AdminApp.install('/ears/application1.ear', '[-cluster cluster1]')

此外,有关使用 编写脚本的更一般帮助wsadmin,这里有一些其他有用的资源:

于 2011-08-24T19:08:33.150 回答