我设置了一个 jQuery UI 范围滑块。当滑块控件移动时,我的代码将较低范围值插入隐藏输入,并将较高范围值插入隐藏输入。这些值随着滑块的移动而不断变化,但有一个问题。例如,如果较低的值停在 60,000 英镑,则插入隐藏 div 的值将是 40,000 英镑。它始终是 1 个位置不同步。这是我需要解决的第一个问题。这些值在我的代码中设置为#minPrice 和#maxPrice。

第二个问题发生在表单提交上。我需要获取隐藏输入的值并(在表单提交后的页面加载上)将它们传递回显示滑块范围的文本输入,例如 40,000 到 60,000。此输入在代码中具有 #amount 的 ID。


// Set increments for sale slider prices
    var increments = ['0', '20,000', '40,000', '60,000', '80,000', '100,000', '120,000', '140,000', '160,000', '180,000', '200,000', '220,000', '240,000', '260,000', '280,000', '300,000', '320,000', '340,000', '360,000', '380,000', '400,000', '420,000', '440,000', '460,000', '480,000', '500,000', '520,000', '540,000', '560,000', '580,000', '600,000', '620,000', '640,000', '660,000', '680,000', '700,000', '720,000', '740,000', '760,000', '780,000', '800,000', '820,000', '840,000', '860,000', '880,000', '900,000', '920,000', '940,000', '960,000', '980,000', '1,000,000', '1,100,000', '1,200,000', '1,300,000', '1,400,000', '1,500,000', '1,600,000', '1,700,000', '1,800,000', '2,000,000']

    range: true,
    min: 0,
    step: 1,
    max: 59,
    values: [4, 15],
    slide: function (event, ui) {
        $('#amount').val(increments[ui.values[0]] + " to " + increments[ui.values[1]]);

        var minPrice = $("#sliderPriceSale").slider("values", 0);
        var maxPrice = $("#sliderPriceSale").slider("values", 1);
$('#amount').val(increments[$('#sliderPriceSale').slider("values", 0)] + " to " + increments[$('#sliderPriceSale').slider("values", 1)]);   



1 回答 1


对于第一个问题,您使用不同的方法来设置 #minPrice/#maxPrice 和 #amount 输入。我清理了代码,使其更具可读性,并将 DOM 对象和其他重要数据存储到变量中。这提高了性能并使代码更容易调试。此重构代码始终从滑块报告正确的值。

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() { 
    // Set increments for sale slider prices
    var increments = ['0', '20,000', '40,000', '60,000', '80,000', '100,000', '120,000', '140,000', '160,000', '180,000', '200,000', '220,000', '240,000', '260,000', '280,000', '300,000', '320,000', '340,000', '360,000', '380,000', '400,000', '420,000', '440,000', '460,000', '480,000', '500,000', '520,000', '540,000', '560,000', '580,000', '600,000', '620,000', '640,000', '660,000', '680,000', '700,000', '720,000', '740,000', '760,000', '780,000', '800,000', '820,000', '840,000', '860,000', '880,000', '900,000', '920,000', '940,000', '960,000', '980,000', '1,000,000', '1,100,000', '1,200,000', '1,300,000', '1,400,000', '1,500,000', '1,600,000', '1,700,000', '1,800,000', '2,000,000'];
    var amount = $('#amount');
    var minPrice = $('#minPrice');
    var maxPrice = $('#maxPrice');
    var slider = $('#sliderPriceSale');
    var initValuesMinIndex = $.inArray(minPrice.val(), increments); // Get index of value in #minPrice
    var initValuesMaxIndex = $.inArray(maxPrice.val(), increments); // Get index of value in #maxPrice
    var minPriceString = '';
    var maxPriceString = '';

    // Setup slider. Initialize #amount on creation.
        range: true,
        min: 0,
        max: 59,
        step: 1,
        values: [initValuesMinIndex, initValuesMaxIndex],
        create: function() {
            amount.val(increments[initValuesMinIndex] + " to " + increments[initValuesMaxIndex]);
        slide: function (event, ui) {
            // Get max/min price strings. If max price is == largest value append "+" sign.
            minPriceString = increments[ui.values[0]];
            maxPriceString = (increments[ui.values[1]] == increments[increments.length-1]) ? increments[ui.values[1]] + "+" : increments[ui.values[1]];

            amount.val(minPriceString + " to " + maxPriceString);
            minPrice.val( increments[ui.values[0]] );
            maxPrice.val( increments[ui.values[1]] );                 

至于第二个问题,如果不查看其余代码,很难确切地说出应该如何完成,但通常您所要做的就是确保在页面时将#maxPrice 和#minPrice 隐藏变量设置为正确的值加载并且滑块将在实例化时自动显示正确的信息,因为它会在构造时检查这些值。例如,如果您使用 PHP 并通过 POST 提交表单,那么您可以对这些隐藏变量使用以下代码:

<!-- Output minPrice & maxPrice values. Default to 80,000 and 300,000 respectively -->
<input type="hidden" id="minPrice" name="minPrice" value="<?php echo (isset($_POST['minPrice'])) ? $_POST['minPrice'] : '80,000'; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" id="maxPrice" name="maxPrice" value="<?php echo (isset($_POST['maxPrice'])) ? $_POST['maxPrice'] : '300,000'; ?>" />
于 2011-08-23T22:26:29.853 回答