I have recently converted visual studio setup projects to wix project. Everything great, except that you have to ist every file manually.
Is there something similar to adding project output (VS studio setup project). I read something about HeatProject task but don't know how to use it, could not find any documentation or example of the same.
First question,is it possible to add project output instead of adding files one by one if yes then how?
978 次
2 回答
我们使用 heat.exe 来收集我们的应用程序文件,如下所示。%FULL_PUBLISH_PATH% 是我们指示 msbuild 将 webapp 发布到的目录的完整路径。
"%WIX_TOOLS_PATH%heat.exe" dir %FULL_PUBLISH_PATH% -dr WEBAPPLOC -ke -srd -cg ComponentNameToUse -var var.publishDir -gg -out FileNameToUse.wxs
于 2011-09-23T18:18:57.733 回答
热量提供与牛脂或石蜡相同的功能。石蜡将生成 .wxs 片段文件,其中包含将部署的所有文件的列表。使用参数,您可以设置您想要的文件等等。
%1\Paraffin.exe -dir "..\..\..\..\Web\HostDir" -dirref INSTALLLOC -custom APPL ..\..\WebFragment.wxs -guids -ext .csproj -direXclude obj -multiple
于 2011-08-23T18:00:55.710 回答