我们如何在 XSL-FO 中动态创建目录页面?


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What I've done in the past is use <fo:page-number-citation> for each entry in the TOC (Table of Contents). I do the table of contents as an <fo:table>.

The <fo:page-number-citation> has a ref-id attribute that should contain the id of the location you're referencing. It should generate the PDF page number where that id is located.

For example, if you wanted each <chapter> referenced in your TOC, you would use <fo:page-number-citation> with a ref-id that matched the id of where the <chapter> was output (like fo:page-sequence, fo:block, etc.).

Here's an example. I'm basing the id attribute on the value of an existing attribute, but you can generate an id if you need to.

Example Chapter XML:

<chapter foo="CHAP-1">

Example entry in the TOC table:

    <fo:page-number-citation ref-id="CHAP-1"/>

Example of outputting the <chapter>:

<fo:page-sequence id="CHAP-1">

You can also wrap the fo:page-number-citation in an fo:basic-link to link the page number in the TOC to the actual page.

于 2011-08-23T16:35:54.497 回答