I'm more used to xml documents and tools, but I need to deal with sgml. I have an sgml document that I'm using nsgmls
to parse, and I need to include a particular sgml declaration with it. It works fine if I specify the declaration file on the command line:
$ nsgmls mydoc.decl mydoc.sgml
But I'd like to include the reference to the declaration within the sgml file (and not the entire declaration). Including it like a xml doctype i.e., <!DOCTYPE MyDoc SYSTEM "mydoc.decl">
fails with
mydoc.decl:1:2:E: unknown declaration type "SGML"
and the declaration isn't parsed (leading to lots of other errors). Trying to do the same thing as a SGML declaration: <!SGML MyDoc SYSTEM "mydoc.decl">
isn't any better, that gives me a fatal error:
mydoc.decl:1:0:E: character "<" invalid: only minimum literal and parameter separators allowed
mydoc.decl:1:0:E: cannot continue because of previous errors
Is there any way to just reference the external file, or will I always need to specify it on the command line?