So I am pretty sure that up in the definition part I need to include something along the lines of:


but I just do not know what to put in place of the ???'s.

What I want to do with the code is this:

          ObjectType="{x:Type local:TreeViewModel}" >
                  {Binding Nodes}

So that when I make the objectDataProvider call, I can pass the list in to the method that it is calling (CreateNodes)...

How do I go about doing this?


Edit - could be a fix?

I just put this in the method, instead of passing in the list, it is just an app variable...I dont know if app variables are bad though

  List<TNode> existingNodes;

  if (Application.Current.Properties.Contains("ExistingNodes")) existingNodes = Application.Current.Properties["ExistingNodes"] as List<TNode>;
  else existingNodes = new List<TNode>();

2 回答 2


The assembly part of the XML namespace declaration would be mscorlib.

But anyway, XAML doesn't support generics (*), so you can't do it. Instead, you could create a class that inherits List<T> and use it in XAML:

class ListOfFoo : List<Foo>

(1) Actually generics are supported in XAML 2009, but most of XAML 2009 is not supported in compiled XAML. See this question for more information.

于 2011-08-22T19:07:36.467 回答

In my case, this is ok. If you define List property like this:

    internal static readonly BindableProperty TestListProperty = BindableProperty.Create("TestList", typeof(List<string>), typeof(View), null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) =>
        var view = (View)bindable;
        List<string> v = (List<string>)newValue;
        view.testList = v;
    defaultValueCreator: (bindable) =>
        var view = (View)bindable;
        return view.testList;
    private List<string> testList;
    public List<string> TestList
            return (List<string>)GetValue(TestListProperty);
            SetValue(TestListProperty, value);

Then you use it in XAML:

        <s:List x:TypeArguments="x:String" >
于 2021-04-14T08:11:46.490 回答