运行 Mahout In Action 示例是否需要 hadoop?我看到有一个随 mahout 提供的 hadoop jar。我一直遇到 build-reuters.sh 的问题,想知道是否需要单独安装 hadoop。谢谢!!
737 次
1 回答
Most of the book Mahout in Action concerns using Apache Mahout with Apache Hadoop. So yes, you will end up needing Hadoop. The book directs you to download and install Hadoop.
Hadoop itself is not provided with Mahout, no. However Mahout's build system references Hadoop, so it will automatically download dependencies like Hadoop. This is a different thing.
You have not said what your actual problem is with the script.
于 2011-08-22T12:22:32.723 回答