这是我的解决方案,它将完全基于上面链接的 Nick Johnson 的解决方案在查询集中获取相关项目。
from collections import defaultdict
def get_with_related(queryset, *attrs):
Adds related attributes to a queryset in a more efficient way
than simply triggering the new query on access at runtime.
attrs must be valid either foreign keys or one to one fields on the queryset model
# Makes a list of the entity and related attribute to grab for all possibilities
fields = [(model, attr) for model in queryset for attr in attrs]
# we'll need to make one query for each related attribute because
# I don't know how to get everything at once. So, we make a list
# of the attribute to fetch and pks to fetch.
ref_keys = defaultdict(list)
for model, attr in fields:
ref_keys[attr].append(get_value_for_datastore(model, attr))
# now make the actual queries for each attribute and store the results
# in a dict of {pk: model} for easy matching later
ref_models = {}
for attr, pk_vals in ref_keys.items():
related_queryset = queryset.model._meta.get_field(attr).rel.to.objects.filter(pk__in=set(pk_vals))
ref_models[attr] = dict((x.pk, x) for x in related_queryset)
# Finally put related items on their models
for model, attr in fields:
setattr(model, attr, ref_models[attr].get(get_value_for_datastore(model, attr)))
return queryset
def get_value_for_datastore(model, attr):
Django's foreign key fields all have attributes 'field_id' where
you can access the pk of the related field without grabbing the
actual value.
return getattr(model, attr + '_id')
为了能够在管理员上修改查询集以使用相关的选择,我们必须跳过几个环节。这是我所做的。'AppEngineRelatedChangeList' 的 'get_results' 方法唯一改变的是我删除了 self.query_set._clone() 并只使用了 self.query_set 。
class UserProfileAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('username', 'user', 'paid')
select_related_fields = ['user']
def get_changelist(self, request, **kwargs):
return AppEngineRelatedChangeList
class AppEngineRelatedChangeList(ChangeList):
def get_query_set(self):
qs = super(AppEngineRelatedChangeList, self).get_query_set()
related_fields = getattr(self.model_admin, 'select_related_fields', [])
return get_with_related(qs, *related_fields)
def get_results(self, request):
paginator = self.model_admin.get_paginator(request, self.query_set, self.list_per_page)
# Get the number of objects, with admin filters applied.
result_count = paginator.count
# Get the total number of objects, with no admin filters applied.
# Perform a slight optimization: Check to see whether any filters were
# given. If not, use paginator.hits to calculate the number of objects,
# because we've already done paginator.hits and the value is cached.
if not self.query_set.query.where:
full_result_count = result_count
full_result_count = self.root_query_set.count()
can_show_all = result_count self.list_per_page
# Get the list of objects to display on this page.
if (self.show_all and can_show_all) or not multi_page:
result_list = self.query_set
result_list = paginator.page(self.page_num+1).object_list
except InvalidPage:
raise IncorrectLookupParameters
self.result_count = result_count
self.full_result_count = full_result_count
self.result_list = result_list
self.can_show_all = can_show_all
self.multi_page = multi_page
self.paginator = paginator