this is my first Ask :D and i really haven't find something around. I've already developed an app that read a lot of informations from attached ELM327 via standard OBD Pid commands and some other via CanBus. But i have to read from different Headers in very strictly times and i would avoid to send 2 commands have the info (actually this is causing many reading errors between each read). This happen because in time X i send the header setting (ex AT SH 7AA) and then relative Pid request (ex 010A) but right after (X+1) i have to send a request on another header (ex AT SH 7BB) and relative Pid (ex 020B). So i would know if i could send a sort of "AT 7AA-010A" and not AT SH 7AA + AT 010A Any help will be greatly appreciated. Regards, Luca.


1 回答 1


使用 ELM327(以及克隆的庞然大物),这是不可能的。您将不得不连续切换标头,然后发送 PID。基于 STN 芯片组的 OBD2 适配器可以做类似的事情,它们有一个增强的命令集。再说一次,对于您的应用,最好使用真正的 CAN 适配器而不是 OBD2 适配器,因为前者没有任何限制。

于 2022-03-05T20:48:04.853 回答