好的,我们开始吧。我是一个非常新手的业余编码爱好者,但我最近深入研究了加密货币世界,并且我正在努力至少熟悉 Solidity 智能合约。这是一个defi游戏的代码。这段代码的重点是生成“硬币翻转”。我觉得它创造的赢家多于输家。此外,考虑到它使用用户公共钱包地址(msg.sender)“常量数字”作为函数的基础时,此代码是否不会产生相同的结果?
对于 msg.sender 变量,您可以使用 ERC-20 钱包地址,即
//address(this).balance is increased by msg.value even before code is executed. Thus "address(this).balance-msg.value"
//Create a random number. Use the mining difficulty & the player's address, hash it, convert this hex to int, divide by modulo 2 which results in either 0 or 1 and return as uint8
uint8 result = uint8(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.difficulty, msg.sender, block.timestamp)))%2);
bool won = false;
if (guess == result) {
won = true;
uint256 win = (amount* 2/100*(100-houseedge));
tokenpiggies.transfer(msg.sender, win-amount);
tokenpiggies.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
emit GameResult(result);
lastPlayedGames.push(Game(msg.sender, amount, guess,3, won, block.timestamp));
return won; //Return value can only be used by other functions, but not within web3.js (as of 2019)