我正在尝试左键单击 Java 应用程序内的超链接,左键单击会打开一个小的上下文弹出菜单。(右键单击不做任何事情)。在尝试了一些 Robotframework 关键字等之后,我来到了:
Select From Popup Menu
这被描述为:Selects an item from the components context popup menu. Does a right click on the component and selects the specified menu item from the popup menu.
@RobotKeyword("Selects an item from the components context popup menu.\n"
+ "Does a right click on the component and selects the specified menu item from the popup menu.\n\n"
+ "Example:\n"
+ "| Select From Popup Menu | _myComponent_ | _Actions|Do something_ |\n")
@ArgumentNames({ "identifier", "menuPath" })
public void selectFromPopupMenu(String identifier, String menuPath) {
JPopupMenuOperator popup = operator(identifier).invokePopup();
popup.pushMenuNoBlock(menuPath, new EqualsStringComparator());