我有 3 个相关模型,我正在尝试为其构建 CRUD 接口:

  1. 酒馆
  2. 菜单
    • 属于酒吧
    • 有很多菜
  3. 盘子

当我提交表单以保存所有结果时,我不确定如何删除所有不再需要的菜单和菜肴(即,它们未提交保存)。我知道 Laravel 有几个选择:


public function save()
    // This is actually loaded from the database, not created.
    $pub = Pub::create();

    // I load the models from the database and convert them to an array for usage in Livewire
    // Perhaps keeping them as models would make this easier?
    $menus = [
        // This Menu came from the database as it has an ID
        // so the database row needs updating
            'id' => 1,
            'name' => 'Example Menu'

        // This menu is newly submitted as it has no ID
        // the database row needs creating and associating with the Pub model
            'name' => 'Example Menu 2'

    // I load the models from the database and convert them to an array for usage in Livewire
    // Perhaps keeping them as models would make this easier?
    $dishes = [
        // This Dish came from the database as it has an ID
        // so the database row needs updating
            'id' => 1,
            'name' => 'Example Dish',
            'price' => 10

        // This menu is newly submitted as it has no ID
        // the database row needs creating and associating with the Pub model
            'name' => 'Example Dish 2',
            'price' => 5

    // I can't do this as deleting from the database means they will lose their
    // associated media via the Laravel Media Library
    // Which leaves me with something similar to this, but it quickly gets "messy":
    // Attempt to find what menus are no longer wanted and delete only them
    $pub->menus()->whereIn('id', $unwantedMenuIds)->delete();
    // Now go through all menus and only delete the dishes that are no longer wanted
    foreach($menus as $menu) {
        $menu->dishes()->whereIn('id', $unwantedDishIds)->delete();
    // Now either update or create all menus and their associated dishes
    // Followed by associating any new media to the relevant models



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