这是基本的想法,这段代码可以改进很多——搜索路径而不是假设所有内容都在同一个目录中,更好地处理其他文件扩展名,等等。而且我在 haskell 编码(ghc-compiled-script。 hs):
import Control.Monad
import System
import System.Directory
import System.IO
import System.Posix.Files
import System.Posix.Process
import System.Process
getMTime f = getFileStatus f >>= return . modificationTime
main = do
scr : args <- getArgs
let cscr = takeWhile (/= '.') scr
scrExists <- doesFileExist scr
cscrExists <- doesFileExist cscr
compile <- if scrExists && cscrExists
then do
scrMTime <- getMTime scr
cscrMTime <- getMTime cscr
return $ cscrMTime <= scrMTime
return True
when compile $ do
r <- system $ "ghc --make " ++ scr
case r of
ExitFailure i -> do
hPutStrLn stderr $
"'ghc --make " ++ scr ++ "' failed: " ++ show i
ExitSuccess -> return ()
executeFile cscr False args Nothing
#! ghc-compiled-script
import Data.List
import System
import System.Environment
main = do
args <- getArgs
putStrLn $ foldl (++) "" $ intersperse " " args
$ time hs-echo.hs "Hello, world\!"
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( hs-echo.hs, hs-echo.o )
Linking hs-echo ...
Hello, world!
hs-echo.hs "Hello, world!" 0.83s user 0.21s system 97% cpu 1.062 total
$ time hs-echo.hs "Hello, world, again\!"
Hello, world, again!
hs-echo.hs "Hello, world, again!" 0.01s user 0.00s system 60% cpu 0.022 total