我正在试验Hunspell以及如何使用Java Project Panama(Build 19-panama+1-13 (2022/1/18))与之交互。我能够完成一些初始测试,例如创建 ahandle to Hunspell
并随后使用它来执行拼写检查。我现在正在尝试更详细的方法,让 Hunspell 给我suggestions
public class HelloHun {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MemoryAddress hunspellHandle = null;
try (ResourceScope scope = ResourceScope.newConfinedScope()) {
var allocator = SegmentAllocator.nativeAllocator(scope);
// Point it to US english dictionary and (so called) affix file
// Note #1: it is possible to add words to the dictionary if you like
// Note #2: it is possible to have separate/individual dictionaries and affix files (e.g. per user/doc type)
var en_US_aff = allocator.allocateUtf8String("/usr/share/hunspell/en_US.aff");
var en_US_dic = allocator.allocateUtf8String("/usr/share/hunspell/en_US.dic");
// Get a handle to the Hunspell shared library and load up the dictionary and affix
hunspellHandle = Hunspell_create(en_US_aff, en_US_dic);
// Feed it a wrong word
var javaWord = "koing";
// Do a simple spell check of the word
var word = allocator.allocateUtf8String(javaWord);
var spellingResult = Hunspell_spell(hunspellHandle, word);
System.out.println(String.format("%s is spelled %s", javaWord, (spellingResult == 0 ? "incorrect" : "correct")));
// Hunspell also supports giving suggestions for a word - which is what we do next
// Note #3: by testing this `koing` word in isolation - we know that there are 4 alternatives for this word
// Note #4: I'm still investigating how to access individual suggestions
var suggestions = allocator.allocate(10);
var suggestionCount = Hunspell_suggest(hunspellHandle, suggestions, word);
System.out.println(String.format("There are %d suggestions for %s", suggestionCount, javaWord));
// `suggestions` - according to the hunspell API - is a `pointer to an array of strings pointer`
// we know how many `strings` pointer there are, as that is the returned value from `suggest`
// Question: how to process `suggestions` to get individual suggestions
} finally {
if (hunspellHandle != null) {
(created from jextract
) 的调用成功并给了我 (4) 建议(我在命令行中使用 Hunspell 进行了验证) - 所以那里没有问题。
从这个调用返回的元素?我一直在查看各种示例,但似乎没有一个涉及这种详细程度(即使我找到示例,它们似乎使用的是过时的巴拿马 API)。
我如何使用巴拿马 JDK19 API 将一个据称由指向字符串数组的指针组成的结构解压缩到它们各自的字符串集合?