我正在尝试构建一个 wordle 求解器作为一个自我项目,但是我陷入了我的一小部分代码中。检查选择词和猜测工作中的每个字母以及它们的颜色代码的方法工作正常,除非有一个带有重复字母的单词(例如:单词 SHARE 可以正常工作,但是单词 GUESS 只会对 GUES 进行颜色代码)。我尝试使用计数器,但我将如何准确地在列表中的正确位置输入字母?
def wordcolor(self, choice, guess):
guesscolor = dict()
choiceword = []
guesslist = []
guessdict = dict()
choicedict = dict()
for a in choice:
for b in guess:
for idx, value in enumerate(choiceword):
choicedict[idx] = value
for idx, value in enumerate(guesslist):
guessdict[idx] = value
guesscolor[0] = guesslist[0]
guesscolor[1] = guesslist[1]
guesscolor[2] = guesslist[2]
guesscolor[3] = guesslist[3]
guesscolor[4] = guesslist[4]
counter = 0
lengthofword = len(guesslist)
totalsame = 0
sameword = 0
countsguess = Counter(guessh)
duplicatesguess = [c for c in countsguess if countsguess[c] > 1]
countschoice = Counter(choice)
duplicateschoices = [c for c in countschoice if countschoice[c] > 1]
for a in duplicateschoices:
if a == None:
for a in duplicatesguess:
if a == None:
while (counter < lengthofword):
if guessdict[counter] in choicedict.values():
totalsame += 1
if choiceword[counter] == guesslist[counter]:
print(f"The word at index {counter} is present in both strings in same place")
sameword += 1
a = guessdict[counter]
guesscolor[a] = "green"
a = guessdict[counter]
guesscolor[a] = "orange"
counter += 1
a = guessdict[counter]
guesscolor[a] = "red"
counter += 1
print("There are " + str(totalsame) + " duplicate characters." + str(sameword) + " of them are in the same place")
Game(0).wordcolor(choice, guessh)
Computer choice word: eject
Human Guess: ejjet (I haven't made the code to check guesses against dictionary)
The word at index 0 is present in both strings in same place
The word at index 1 is present in both strings in same place
The word at index 4 is present in both strings in same place
{0: 'e', 1: 'j', 2: 'j', 3: 'e', 4: 't', 'e': 'orange', 'j': 'orange', 't': 'green'} (Ignores duplicate letters)
There are 5 duplicate characters. 3 of them are in the same place
Incorrect Guess
Computer choice word: rotas
Human Guess: share
0: 's', 1: 'h', 2: 'a', 3: 'r', 4: 'e', 's': 'orange', 'h': 'red', 'a': 'orange', 'r': 'orange', 'e': 'red'}
There are 3 duplicate characters.0 of them are in the same place
Incorrect Guess