我需要将 @bind-SelectedValues 绑定到 ductionary 中的值。但它给出了 CS1503 参数 2:无法从 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.EventCallback<System.Collections.Generic.List>' 转换为 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.EventCallback'

<MudTable Items="users.UserList" Loading="@_loading" LoadingProgressColor="Color.Info">
        <MudTd DataLabel="User">@context.FullName</MudTd>
        <MudTd DataLabel="Application">
            <MudSelect Variant="Variant.Outlined" T="int" Label="Applications" MultiSelection="true" 
                @foreach(var item in apps.ApplicationList)
                    <MudSelectItem T="int" Value="@item.Id">@item.Name</MudSelectItem>
            <MudButton Color="Color.Primary" Variant="Variant.Filled">Update</MudButton>

    private IApplicationService service{ get; set; }
    private int value { get; set; }
    private IEnumerable<int> options { get; set; } = new HashSet<int>();
    private bool _loading = false;
    private Dictionary<int, List<int>> userAppsDict { get; set; } = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();

    UserHasApplicationsReadViewModel userApps = new UserHasApplicationsReadViewModel();
    UserReadViewModel users = new UserReadViewModel();
    ApplicationReadViewModel apps = new ApplicationReadViewModel();

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        _loading = true;
        userApps = await service.GetUserHasApplications();
        users = await service.GetUsers();
        apps = await service.GetApplicationsAsync();

        foreach(var user in users.UserList)
            List<int> appIdList = new List<int>();
            var appsbyUid = await service.GetApplicationByUserId(user.Id);
            foreach (var item in appsbyUid.ApplicationList)
            userAppsDict.Add(user.Id, appIdList);
        _loading = false;

1 回答 1


我需要将 @bind-SelectedValues 绑定到 ductionary 中的值

需要是一个主观术语。MB 想要将一个字符串哈希集放入 SelectedValues 绑定中,因此阻力最小的路径是让它,然后反向翻译,可能是这样的:

@inject ISnackbar Snackbar

<MudTable Items="users" Loading="@_loading" LoadingProgressColor="Color.Info">
        <MudTd DataLabel="User">@context.FullName</MudTd>
        <MudTd DataLabel="Application">
            <MudSelect Variant="Variant.Outlined" Label="Applications" MultiSelection="true" 
                @foreach(var item in apps)
                    <MudSelectItem Value="@item.Name">@item.Name</MudSelectItem>
            <MudButton Color="Color.Primary" Variant="Variant.Filled"  OnClick="@(() => UpdateUser(context))">Update</MudButton>

    private bool _loading = false;

    List<User> users = new List<User>();
    List<App> apps = new List<App>();

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        _loading = true;
        apps = new List<App>{ 
                Id = 1,
                Name = "FirstApp"
                Id = 2,
                Name = "SecondApp"
        users = new List<User>{
            new User{ 
                Id = 1,
                FullName = "Firstappuser",
                Apps = new HashSet<string>{ apps.First().Name }
            new User{ 
                Id = 2,
                FullName = "Secondappuser",
                Apps = new HashSet<string>{ apps.Last().Name }
        _loading = false;

    class User{
      public int Id {get;set;}
      public string FullName {get;set;}
      public IEnumerable<string> Apps {get;set;}
    class App{
      public int Id {get;set;}
      public string Name {get;set;}

    void UpdateUser(User u){
      var newApps = u.Apps.Select(a => apps.First(app => app.Name == a)).ToArray();
      Snackbar.Add("Updating user " + u.FullName + " to have apps " + string.Join(",", newApps.Select(app => app.Id.ToString())));

我必须发明类来涵盖用例,但它也强调你不必使用你提供的类作为模型;随意做任何必要的事情来简单地建模事物。这里每个用户都有一个IEnumerable<string>将跟踪用户拥有的应用程序,而不是Dictionary<userid, List<app ids>>1:M 用户:应用程序关联在每个用户内部。当单击更新按钮时,用户被传递给处理程序,并且有一个过程将应用程序名称反转回应用程序(newApps然后我将他们的 ID 串入到快餐栏,以证明它能够将应用程序名称反转为应用程序,并改为获取 ID


于 2022-02-22T16:59:39.350 回答