Currently, I tried to make zip file(or any format of compressed file) containing few files that I want to put into zip file.
I thought it would work with adm-zip module.
but I found out that the way adm-zip module put files into zip is buffer.
It takes a lot of memory when I put files that size is very huge.
In the result, My server stopped working.
Below is What I'd done.
var zip = new AdmZip();
zip.addLocalFile('../largeFile', 'dir1'); //put largeFile into /dir1 of zip
zip.addLocalFile('../largeFile2', 'dir1');
zip.addLocalFile('../largeFile3', 'dir1/dir2');
zip.writeZip(/*target file name*/ `./${threadId}.zip`);
Is there any solution to solve this situation?