还要记住,我在下面根本不处理任何异常。例如,您需要在 BeginRead、EndRead 和 TcpListener 方法上处理 SocketException。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
namespace FastListener
/// <summary>
/// Example position class, replace with a real definition
/// </summary>
public class Position
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Needed to be able to pass socket/buffer info
/// between asynchronous requests.
/// </summary>
public struct ClientContext
public Socket socket;
public byte[] buffer;
class Program
/// <summary>
/// Positions received from mobile clients but not yet saved
/// into the database.
/// </summary>
private readonly Queue<Position> _positions = new Queue<Position>();
/// <summary>
/// Number of threads currently saving stuff to the database.
/// </summary>
private int _poolThreads;
/// <summary>
/// Maximum number of threads that can save info to the database.
/// </summary>
private const int MaxThreads = 10;
static void Main(string[] args)
new Program().Start();
private void Start()
TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, 1343);
listener.BeginAcceptSocket(OnAccept, listener);
// Listener got a new connection
private void OnAccept(IAsyncResult ar)
TcpListener listener = (TcpListener) ar.AsyncState;
// It's very important to start listening ASAP
// since you'll have a lot of incoming connections.
listener.BeginAcceptSocket(OnAccept, listener);
// I recommend that you create a buffer pool to improve performance
byte[] buffer = new byte[400];
// Now accept the socket.
Socket socket = listener.EndAcceptSocket(ar);
StartRead(new ClientContext {buffer = buffer, socket = socket});
private void StartRead(ClientContext context)
// start reading from the client.
context.socket.BeginReceive(context.buffer, 0, 400, SocketFlags.None, OnReceive, context);
// Stuff from a client.
private void OnReceive(IAsyncResult ar)
ClientContext context = (ClientContext) ar.AsyncState;
int bytesRead = context.socket.EndReceive(ar);
if (bytesRead == 0)
// Put the buffer back in the pool
// convert bytes to position.
// i'll just fake that here.
Position pos = new Position();
// Either handle the request directly
if (_poolThreads < MaxThreads)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(SaveToDatabase, pos);
// Or enqueue it to let a already active
// thread handle it when done with the previous position
lock (_positions)
// Don't forget to read from the client again
// will save stuff to the database.
private void SaveToDatabase(object state)
// Could use Interlocked.Increment, but not really vital if
// one more more extra threads are saving to the db.
Position position = (Position) state;
while (true)
// check if another position is in the queue.
lock (_positions)
if (_positions.Count > 0)
position = _positions.Dequeue();
break; // jump out of the loop