import pandas as pd
test_df =pd.DataFrame({"col1":[1,12,3,4],

   col1  col2  col3
0     1     3     4
1    12    14     5
2     3     5     6
3     4     6     7

def highlight(row):
    ret =["" for _ in row.index]   
    if row['col3'] == 5:                                                                         
        ret[row.index.get_loc('col3')] ="background-color: #f2f20a"
    if row['col2'] == 5:                                                                         
        ret[row.index.get_loc('col2')] ="background-color: #f2f20a"
    return ret
dd= test_df.style.apply(highlight, axis=1)
    col1 col2   col3
0   1    3      4
1   12  14      **5**
2   3   **5**   6
3   4   6       7

如何单独创建只有突出显示行的数据框或 excel?在这种情况下,只有第 1、2 行将出现在单独的 excel 或数据框中。



1 回答 1



m = (pd.concat([(test_df['col2'] == 5), 
                   (test_df['col3'] == 5)], axis=1)
          .reindex(test_df.columns, fill_value=False, axis=1))
print (m)
    col1   col2   col3
0  False  False  False
1  False  False   True
2  False   True  False
3  False  False  False

def highlight(x):
    c = "background-color: #f2f20a"

    # DataFrame of styles
    df1 = pd.DataFrame('', index=x.index, columns=x.columns)
    # set columns by condition
    df1 = df1.mask(m, c)
    return df1

df1 = test_df[m.any(axis=1)]
print (df1)
   col1  col2  col3
1    12    14     5
2     3     5     6


def highlight(x):

    # DataFrame of styles
    df1 = pd.DataFrame('', index=x.index, columns=x.columns)
    # set columns by condition
    df1.loc[x['col2'] == 5, 'col2'] = "background-color: #f2f20a"
    df1.loc[x['col3'] == 5, 'col3'] = "background-color: #f2f20a"

    return df1

test_df.style(highlight, axis=None)
于 2022-02-21T08:40:47.623 回答