
Software Update started !

[network_initializer] : Software update started
[extract_file_to_tmp] : Found file
[extract_file_to_tmp] : filename sw-description
[extract_file_to_tmp] : size 303
[get_common_fields] : Version 0.1.0
[get_common_fields] : Description Firmware update for XXXXX Project
[parse_hw_compatibility] : Accepted Hw Revision : 1.0
[parse_hw_compatibility] : Accepted Hw Revision : 1.2
[parse_hw_compatibility] : Accepted Hw Revision : 1.3
[_parse_images] : Found Image: rootfs.ext4.gz in device : /dev/mmcblk2p4 for handler raw
[check_hw_compatibility] : Hardware myir Revision: 1.0
[check_hw_compatibility] : Hardware compatibility verified
[extract_files] : Found file
[extract_files] : filename rootfs.ext4.gz
[extract_files] : size 373258053 required
ERROR : Not enough free space to extract rootfs.ext4.gz (needed 373258053, got 223219712)
Image invalid or corrupted. Not installing ...
[network_initializer] : Main thread sleep again !
Waiting for requests...
ERROR : Writing to IPC fails due to Broken pipe

如图,表示空间不够用,然后我用resize2fs /dev/mmcblk2p4扩展空间。现在它有 1g 的空间。但还是一样的提示。请让我知道你的想法。


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