在 iOS 13 中,Apple 引入了底部表单演示控制器,其演示和关闭的一部分也是为演示视图控制器的视图设置动画。
方法(下面的代码)并在该块中为演示视图控制器的视图更改设置动画来解决它。在 iOS 14 及更低版本中,这非常适合定期解雇和展开转场(就像这样),但是在 iOS 15 中,当使用展开转场时,根视图控制器的视图没有动画并且看起来像这样,而系统标准底部表仍然看起来在放松的时候很好。是否有一些替代方法可以用来通过 unwind segue 解雇多个 VC?
// This is the animation performed in the animate(...) block
presenter.view.layer.transform = self.transform3D(for: presenter, completed: true)
// This is the function definition
func transform3D(for vc: UIViewController?, completed: Bool) -> CATransform3D {
guard completed else { return .identity }
if let vc = vc as? ScrollViewDismissable, !vc.isPresentedFullScreen {
// Handles the situation when the presenting VC is not the root VC (ViewController)
let ratio = (UIScreen.main.bounds.width - 32) / UIScreen.main.bounds.width
let height = frameOfPresentedViewInContainerView.height
let newHeight = height * ratio
let translation = (height - newHeight) / 2
return CATransform3D.scale(x: ratio, y: ratio, z: 1.00001).concatenating(.translation(x: 0, y: -translation - 10, z: 1.00001))
} else {
// Takes care of the transform for the root VC
let fullScreenPresentationExtraHeight: CGFloat = vc is ViewController ? 0 : (20 + 16)
return .scale(x: (UIScreen.main.bounds.width - 32) / UIScreen.main.bounds.width, y: (UIScreen.main.bounds.height + fullScreenPresentationExtraHeight - (newOrigin * 2)) / (UIScreen.main.bounds.height + fullScreenPresentationExtraHeight), z: 1.00001)