如何将日志文件 (.prof) 导出或发送为我可以使用的格式?我需要在 Excel 文件或某种格式中包含错误和与之关联的数据,我可以通过电子邮件将其发送给某人以纠正数据问题。


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You can either create your own log file in Excel using the "data quality mode" button which will add a "messages" node to every action or you can transform the .prof files using the XML/JSON source object. If you choose the first option, you will have access to all of the information that is used to create the .prof files. If you use the second option, you can point the XML/JSON reader to an example .prof file and then use the "generate schema" option to create the schema. From this point, you should be able to just map it to an Excel destination.

于 2022-02-25T11:53:45.867 回答