. 我将上下文菜单类命名为ContextMenu
//a function to prevent context menu opening beyond screen area
private Point SetPopupLocation(Screen theScreen, ContextMenu theContextMenu, Point initPosition)
var p = new Point();
var wrkArea = theScreen.WorkingArea;
p.X = wrkArea.Width - (initPosition.X + theContextMenu.Width);
p.Y = wrkArea.Height - (initPosition.Y + theContextMenu.Height);
p.X = p.X < 0 ? wrkArea.Width - theContextMenu.Width : initPosition.X;
p.Y = p.Y < 0 ? wrkArea.Height - theContextMenu.Height : initPosition.Y;
return p;
//the mouseup event handler
private void richTextBox1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
//set default CM closed so that won't open concurrently
richContextStrip.Visible = false;
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
IsKeyUp((int)MouseButtons.Right); //set rmbIsUp = true
//here because the rmb event handler is above this
bool canDisplay = contextMenuDisplayFlag(ctrlIsDown, rmbIsUp); //get ctrl and rmb flag status
Point formLocation;
if (canDisplay)
//obtain center mouse coordinate to context menu
Point theMouseCoor = new Point(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y);
//to process whether custom context menu was opened beyond screen area or not
formLocation = SetPopupLocation(Screen.FromControl(this), contextMenuObj, (sender as Control).PointToScreen(e.Location));
Point cursorLocation = processContextMenuCursorLocation(contextMenuObj, formLocation);
displayCustomContextMenu(contextMenuObj, formLocation, cursorLocation);
toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Custom context menu opened!";
else //if ctrl key is not pressed
richContextStrip.Visible = true;
toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Default context menu opened!";
//to center the cursor on the context menu
private Point processContextMenuCursorLocation(ContextMenu theContextMenu, Point formLocation)
int midXCoor;
int midYCoor;
midXCoor = (theContextMenu.Width / 2); //middle coordinate of width
midYCoor = (theContextMenu.Height / 2); //middle coordinate of height
Cursor.Position = new Point(formLocation.X + midXCoor, formLocation.Y + midYCoor);
return Cursor.Position;
//obtain the newly set form location and mouse coordinate,
//then display the context menu
private void displayCustomContextMenu(ContextMenu theContextMenu, Point formLocation, Point cursorLocation)
theContextMenu.Location = formLocation;
//cursor location
Cursor.Position = cursorLocation;
//message: display context menu
Console.WriteLine("Context menu opens via COMBINATION!");
theContextMenu.Visible = true;
根据上一个线程给出的答案,我尝试启用称为 DpiAware 或 DpiAwareness 的东西。例如,我编辑了 app.manifest 或 app.config(我编辑的文件的参考可以在这里找到),希望能解决这个问题。但是,它仍然没有解决任何问题。