作为一个侧节点:虽然 graphviz 非常适合为大型数据集生成图形,但它对于创建诸如 ER 图、流程图和序列图之类的东西就不那么棒了。这是可能的,而且相对简单,但是您必须花费大量时间来做出正确的结果通常是不合理的,因为您可以使用 Wsywig-GUI 建模工具在很短的时间内实现相同的目标。但是,您花在这方面的时间将帮助您学习语言的语法和属性,当您需要可视化一些大型或复杂的问题(GUI 建模工具将无用)时,这真的会派上用场。
digraph start_up {
/* fake levels (level0 -> level1) and support nodes
* graphviz to charts is what latex is to documents,
* sometimes you'll have to fight it.
* This is typically done by defining levels and connection points that
* don't really have anything to do with your graph, but are used to
* force the graph to appear in a certain way.
node [shape=none, /*label="."*/]; l1a; l2a; l3a; l4a; l5a; l6a;
node [shape=square label="no"]; l20a;
{ /* connectiong point for the no arrow above "arrived" */
node [width=0 shape=point label=""];
d1; no;
node [style = rounded];
node [shape = rect] start end;
node [style = ""];
node [shape = diamond]; {
node [label="USB\nCommand\nArrived"]; arrived;
node [label="Has USB 3.0\nInterface Been\nSelected"]; selected;
node [label="Initialize\nCode"]; init;
start -> init;
/*init -> arrived; */
init -> d1 [arrowhead=none];
d1 -> arrived;
* tricky part:
* since nodes in a digrap go either from top to bottom or left to right, we
* can usually not connect (->) two nodes and have them appear on the same
* level unless the connection is specified within a block that has the
* parameter `rank' set to `same'
l20a->no [arrowhead=none];
{ rank=same; no -> arrived [dir=back arrowtail=none]; }
{ rank=same; l20a -> d1; }
/*arrived -> arrived;*/ /* [label="No" tailport=w headport=n]; */
arrived -> selected [label = "Yes"];
selected -> end
/* just to demonstrate */
l1a-> l2a-> l3a-> l4a-> l5a-> l6a;