I am developing a plugin using python in QGIS. Either form, when trying to use QWebView() or QWebEngineView() it throws the following error:
NameError: name 'QWebView' is not defined NameError: name 'QWebEngineView' is not defined
The only way I can use QWebView is if I run first the following import:
from qgis.PyQt.QtWebKitWidgets import QWebView
It has to be that specific import, I have tried others such as 'from PyQt5 import QtWebKitWidgets' and it does not work.
Then I can use QWebView. But after creating a QWebView object and setting the url (either using the method .load() or .setUrl()) I show the WebView and I can see the page loaded but the window is covered by a 'gray' layer and it does not allow me to interact with the page
I mean, if I load google, I can see the page but I cannot write in the searchbar or click on any button.
I am currently using the last QGIS version (3.22.3)
Thanks a lot beforehand.