我有一个简单的应用程序,它在 RecycleView 上显示来自 Sqlite 数据库的数据,并在选中后从 RecycleView 中显示行被删除; 我遇到的问题是,当删除一行时,选择会保留,当一个新的输入被传递到 RecycleView 时,它会自动被选中,因此被删除。



class DataDisplay(RecycleView, BoxLayout):
    def _init_(self,**kwargs):
        super(DataDisplay, self)._init_(**kwargs)

    def updateView(self):
        conn = sqlite3.connect('Shop.db')
        c = conn.cursor()
        records = c.execute("SELECT rowid, product, quantity, price FROM INVENTORY")  
        #print([item for item in records])
        self.data = [{'text':str(str(record[0]) + ')' + str(record[2]) + ' Quantite de ' + str(record[1]) + ' est ' + str(record[3]))} for record in records]

    def remove_selection(self):
        for child in self.children[0].children:
            if child.selected:
                child.selected = False

class SelectableRecycleBoxLayout(FocusBehavior, LayoutSelectionBehavior,
    touch_deselect_last = BooleanProperty(True)
    ''' Adds selection and focus behaviour to the view. '''

class SelectableLabel(RecycleDataViewBehavior, Label):
    ''' Add selection support to the Label '''
    index = None
    selected = BooleanProperty(False)
    selectable = BooleanProperty(True)

    def refresh_view_attrs(self, rv, index, data):
        ''' Catch and handle the view changes '''
        self.index = index
        return super(SelectableLabel, self).refresh_view_attrs(
            rv, index, data)

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        ''' Add selection on touch down '''
        if super(SelectableLabel, self).on_touch_down(touch):
            return True
        if self.collide_point(*touch.pos) and self.selectable:
            return self.parent.select_with_touch(self.index, touch)

    def apply_selection(self, rv, index, is_selected):
        ''' Respond to the selection of items in the view. '''
        self.selected = is_selected
        get_rowid = rv.data[index]['text']
        search_key = get_rowid.split(')')[0]
        if is_selected:
            conn = sqlite3.connect('Shop.db')
            c = conn.cursor()
            c.execute("DELETE FROM INVENTORY WHERE rowid = '{}'".format(int(search_key)))


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