嗯,我在一个asp.net 3.5 站点工作。


public delegate void ActionNotification();

protected Dictionary<string, List<ActionNotification>> Observers
        Dictionary<string, List<ActionNotification>> _observers = Session["Observers"] as Dictionary<string, List<ActionNotification>>;
        if (_observers == null)
            _observers = new Dictionary<string, List<ActionNotification>>();
            Observers = _observers;
        return _observers;
        Session["Observers"] = value;

public void Attach(string actionName, ActionNotification observer)
    if (!Observers.ContainsKey(actionName))
        Observers.Add(actionName, new List<ActionNotification>());

public void Detach(string actionName, ActionNotification observer)
    if (Observers.ContainsKey(actionName))

public void DetachAll(string actionName)
    if (Observers.ContainsKey(actionName))

public void Notify(string action)
    if (Observers.ContainsKey(action))
        foreach (ActionNotification o in Observers[action])


//Esta es llamada al notify con cierto action       
protected void btnNext_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)          
//Y este es el register del Listener            
Attach("Next", new ActionNotification(NextButton_Click)); 

如果在o.Invoke();之前 例如,我将页面标题更改为“Hello”。而在“ NextButton_Click”里面我把它设置为“再见”,NextButton_Click完成后,标题又回到“你好”......



1 回答 1


我认为问题在于您的NextButton_Click活动中的“页面”与您将标题设置为“Hello”的页面不同。因为您在引发事件时在会话中传递事件,所以对象所作用的对象不再在范围内。您可以使用以下代码重新创建它(使用 EventHandlers,但它们与您在代码中概述的基本相同)

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.Page.Title = "test";

    //Store it in your session...seems like a weird thing to do given how your page should be stateless, so I would think about what you are
    //trying to do a bit more carefully.  You don't want to call an event handler such as test below from another page in your asp.net app.
    Dictionary<string, EventHandler> myEvents = null;
    if (Session["Invokers"] == null)
        myEvents = new Dictionary<string, EventHandler>();
        Session["Invokers"] = myEvents;
        myEvents = Session["Invokers"] as Dictionary<string, EventHandler>;
    //If the event handler key is not in there then add it
    if (myEvents.ContainsKey("buttonClickOnPageDefault") == false)
        //Subscribe to event (i.e. add your method to the invokation list
        this.TestEvent += new EventHandler(test);
        myEvents.Add("buttonClickOnPageDefault", this.TestEvent);
        //if it does contain this key then you may already be subscribed to event, so unsubscribe in case and then resubscribe...you could
        //probably do this more elegantly by looking at the vales in the GetInvokationList method on the eventHandler
        //Wire up the event
        this.TestEvent -= new EventHandler(test);
        this.TestEvent += new EventHandler(test);
    //Resave the dictionary.
    Session["Invokers"] = myEvents;

void test(object o, EventArgs e)
    this.Page.Title = "testEvent";

public event EventHandler TestEvent;

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (Session["Invokers"] != null)
        Dictionary<string, EventHandler> myEvents = (Dictionary<string, EventHandler>)Session["Invokers"];
        if (myEvents.ContainsKey("buttonClickOnPageDefault"))
            EventHandler ev = myEvents["buttonClickOnPageDefault"];
            ev(null, EventArgs.Empty);

如果你把上面的代码放在一个 asp.net 页面中,它永远不会改变页面标题,但是如果你在Test方法中放置一个断点,你会看到它被命中。原因是它在不同的页面中被击中(并且该页面超出范围并且可能不会被垃圾收集,因为您的事件仍然具有对它的引用,因此这可能会导致内存泄漏......小心它! )。真的,您可能不应该以这种方式使用您的事件(至少不要在页面上操作......也许它对域对象有一些实用程序)。请注意,以下内容将起作用(因为它在同一页面上起作用)

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.Page.Title = "test";

    //Store it in your session...seems like a weird thing to do given how your page should be stateless, so I would think about what you are
    //trying to do a bit more carefully.  You don't want to call an event handler such as test below from another page in your asp.net app.
    this.TestEvent += new EventHandler(test);
    Session["Invoker"] = this.TestEvent;

void test(object o, EventArgs e)
    this.Page.Title = "testEvent";

public event EventHandler TestEvent;

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (Session["Invoker"] != null)
        EventHandler ev = (EventHandler)Session["Invoker"];
        ev(null, EventArgs.Empty);


于 2011-08-19T00:02:06.530 回答