这是在 VB.net 中,与塞缪尔的回答非常相似。我有四个重载,具体取决于您是否需要子例程或函数以及是否有参数。为更多参数添加更多重载会很容易。VB.Net 能够推断类型。
Module ISynchronizeInvokeExtensions
Public Delegate Function GenericLambdaFunctionWithParam(Of InputType, OutputType)(ByVal input As InputType) As OutputType
Private Delegate Function InvokeLambdaFunctionCallback(Of InputType, OutputType)(ByVal f As GenericLambdaFunctionWithParam(Of InputType, OutputType), ByVal input As InputType, ByVal c As System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke) As OutputType
Public Function InvokeEx(Of InputType, OutputType)(ByVal f As GenericLambdaFunctionWithParam(Of InputType, OutputType), ByVal input As InputType, ByVal c As System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke) As OutputType
If c.InvokeRequired Then
Dim d As New InvokeLambdaFunctionCallback(Of InputType, OutputType)(AddressOf InvokeEx)
Return DirectCast(c.Invoke(d, New Object() {f, input, c}), OutputType)
Return f(input)
End If
End Function
Public Delegate Sub GenericLambdaSubWithParam(Of InputType)(ByVal input As InputType)
Public Sub InvokeEx(Of InputType)(ByVal s As GenericLambdaSubWithParam(Of InputType), ByVal input As InputType, ByVal c As System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke)
InvokeEx(Of InputType, Object)(Function(i As InputType) As Object
Return Nothing
End Function, input, c)
End Sub
Public Delegate Sub GenericLambdaSub()
Public Sub InvokeEx(ByVal s As GenericLambdaSub, ByVal c As System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke)
InvokeEx(Of Object, Object)(Function(i As Object) As Object
Return Nothing
End Function, Nothing, c)
End Sub
Public Delegate Function GenericLambdaFunction(Of OutputType)() As OutputType
Public Function InvokeEx(Of OutputType)(ByVal f As GenericLambdaFunction(Of OutputType), ByVal c As System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke) As OutputType
Return InvokeEx(Of Object, OutputType)(Function(i As Object) f(), Nothing, c)
End Function
End Module
InvokeEx(Sub(x As String) Me.Text = x, "foo", Me) 'set form title to foo
InvokeEx(AddressOf MsgBox, Me.Text, Me)
InvokeEx(Sub() Me.Text &= "!", "foo", Me) 'append "!" to form title
InvokeEx(AddressOf MsgBox, Me.Text, Me)
Dim s As String = InvokeEx(Function() Me.Text, Me) & "bar" 'get form title to backgorundworker thread
InvokeEx(AddressOf MsgBox, s, Me) 'display the string from backgroundworker thread