我正在尝试制作 Othello AI,目前正在尝试实现 MiniMax。我创建了一个棋盘对象,从当前棋盘我想创建一个所有“子”棋盘的列表,这些是当前棋盘的副本,但每个棋盘都有一个合法的移动。我在创建多个“子”板时遇到问题,到目前为止,我的代码仅将所有合法动作应用于一个板,并且仅在子板列表中包含该单个板。任何帮助将非常感激。
MiniMax 类中的 minimax 方法
public static void minimax(){
ArrayList<int[]> legalMoves;
legalMoves = gameHandler.potentialMovesList();
int min = -1000;
int max = 1000;
//-----legal moves list-----
char disc;
if (Main.blackTurn = true){
disc = 'b';
else {
disc = 'w';
int count = 0;
for (int[] i : legalMoves) {
System.out.println(i[0] + " " + i[1]);
ArrayList<board> children = board.addChild(Main.grid, i, disc, count);
// ----------children list-----------;
//// for (int x = 0; x < board.getChildren().size(); x++){
//// System.out.println(board.getChildren().get(x));
//// }
// -------------------------
//-----------list scores----------
int maxIndex = 0;
int maxBoardVal = 0;
for (int i =0; i < board.getChildren().size() ; i++){
if (board.getChildren().get(i).getBoardVal() > maxBoardVal){
maxBoardVal = board.getChildren().get(i).getBoardVal();
maxIndex = i;
System.out.println(board.getChildren().get(i).getBoardVal()); //children only has 1 item in currently
int[] coord = legalMoves.get(maxIndex);
int x = coord[0];
int y = coord[1];
Main.blackTurn = false; //set it to be white turn
System.out.println("minimax move select");
Main.grid.setMove(new int[]{x, y}, 'w'); //need to change this from 'w' hardcoded to whichever AIs turn it is (both could be ai)
System.out.println("pick: " + x + " " + y);
gameHandler.flipDiscs('w','b',x,y, Main.grid.getBoard());
Main.blackTurn = !Main.blackTurn; //swap back to black (player) turn
//(this is only for one depth), for multiple depth we need to then make a list of all moves
//from each next ply (after accouting for every move that the opposite colour could make)
private static char disc;
private static char[][] gameboard;
private static boolean blackTurn;
private static ArrayList<board> children;
private static int boardEval;
//private static board[] children;
//depth 0 = Main.grid
//depth 1 = Main.grid with a move made
//initializer to make first empty board
public board() {
gameboard = new char[8][8];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++){
gameboard[i][j] = ' ';
public static void setGameboard(char[][] gameboard) {
board.gameboard = gameboard;
public static void setChildren(ArrayList<board> children) {
board.children = children;
public static ArrayList<board> getChildren(){
return children;
public char[][] getBoard(){
return gameboard;
public boolean getTurn(){
return blackTurn;
public static char getTile(int[] yo) {
char value = gameboard[yo[0]][yo[1]];
return value;
public static void setMove(int[] coord, char discColour){
gameboard[coord[0]][coord[1]] = discColour;
public static void printBoard(board grid){
//prints the logical grid in command line
for (int i =0; i< 8; i++){
for (int z =0; z< 8; z++){
for (int q =0; q< 16; q++) {
System.out.println("end of grid");
public static void initialBoard(board grid){
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++){
int[] yo = {i, j};
board.setMove(yo, ' ');
board.setMove(new int[]{3, 3}, 'w');
board.setMove(new int[]{4, 3}, 'b');
board.setMove(new int[]{3, 4}, 'b');
board.setMove(new int[]{4, 4}, 'w');
public static int[] getScore(board board){
int blackScore = 0;
int whiteScore = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++){ //iterate over all tiles on board
for (int j = 0; j <= 7; j++) {
if (board.getTile(new int[]{i, j}) == 'b'){
else if(board.getTile(new int[]{i, j}) == 'w'){
int score[] = {blackScore, whiteScore};
return score;
public static ArrayList<board> addChild(board board, int[] move, char discColour, int count{
board child = board;
ArrayList<board> children = board.getChildren();
child.setMove(move, discColour); //make the move on the child board
child.setBoardVal(MiniMax.evalFunction(board, Main.blackTurn)); //set value of child
children.add(child); //add child to list
board.setChildren(children); //set global list to local list
return children;
public static void setBoardVal(int boardVal){
boardEval = boardVal;
public static int getBoardVal(){
return boardEval;