I am building an installer on mac osx 10.6.8 with packageMaker 3.04. I can install a particular content at "destination" /Applications that is fine. Now, I need to add another content to the user home directory (/Documents)

I have tried ~/ and $HOME/ to set the destination for that particular package, but when installing, the actual location is empty.

So, how can I set this properly?


1 回答 1


在 Package Maker 中,就在左侧“内容”窗格的上方,选择您的包图标。然后,在右侧窗格中,将安装目标更改为“用户主目录”。然后,对于所有安装位置,只需使用 / 作为根。这将被解释为安装用户的顶级主目录。

于 2014-12-12T11:09:54.703 回答