我想了解更多关于 C++ 编码的知识,尤其是设计和创建桌面应用程序。

首先,我想创建一个通知应用程序,在其中我可以通过为任务指定名称和内容来完成任务。为此,我使用 2 个向量 (namecontent)。


std::vector <LPWSTR> NameTask; 
std::vector <LPWSTR> ContentTask; 


if (wmId == ID_BUTTON) {
    //local variables (only for the Button event)
    int len_name = GetWindowTextLength(TextBox_Name) + 1; //give the lenght value of the text in the textbox
    int len_content = GetWindowTextLength(TextBox_content) + 1; //give the lenght value of the text in the textbox
    wchar_t Text_name[100] = L""; //Wchar is compatible with LPWSTR
    wchar_t Text_content[100] = L""; //Wchar is compatible with LPWSTR
    // get the text of the Text edit and put it in local variable name and content
    GetWindowText(TextBox_Name, Text_name, len_name);
    GetWindowText(TextBox_content, Text_content, len_content);
    //verify if the texts are empty
    if (wcslen(Text_name) == 0 || wcslen(Text_content) == 0) {
        MessageBox(hWnd, L"name and content can't be empty", L"MessageBox", MB_OK);
    else {
        NameTask.push_back(Text_name); // set name of task in vector of NameTask
        ContentTask.push_back (Text_name); // set content of task in vector of ContentTask
        //ComboBox_AddString(Combobox, Text_name); // add the title of the task in the combotext
        //SetWindowText(TextBox_Name, L""); //empty the textbox
        SetWindowText(TextBox_content, NameTask.at(0)); // visualize first element of vector name

我遇到的问题是,当我向向量添加一个新元素,然后我去可视化它时,它总是向我显示添加的最后一个元素。即使我使用SetWindowText(TextBox_content, NameTask.at(0));




3 回答 3



您需要复制从 UI 中检索的文本数据。你可以用它std::wstring来处理。


struct Task
    std::wstring Name; 
    std::wstring Content; 

std::vector<Task> Tasks;


if (wmId == ID_BUTTON) {
    int len_name = GetWindowTextLength(TextBox_Name);
    int len_content = GetWindowTextLength(TextBox_content);

    if (len_name == 0 || len_content == 0) {
        MessageBox(hWnd, L"name and content can't be empty", L"MessageBox", MB_OK);
    else {

        std::wstring Text_name(L'\0', len_name);
        std::wstring Text_content(L'\0', len_content);
        len_name = GetWindowText(TextBox_Name, &Text_name[0], len_name);

        len_content = GetWindowText(TextBox_content, &Text_content[0], len_content);

        Task task;
        task.Name = Text_name;
        task.Content = Text_content;

        //ComboBox_AddString(Combobox, Text_name.c_str());
        //SetWindowText(TextBox_Name, L"");
        SetWindowText(TextBox_content, Text_name.c_str());


// use Tasks[index].Name(.c_str()) and Tasks[index].Content(.c_str()) as needed...
于 2022-02-09T18:13:36.233 回答


if (wmId == ID_BUTTON) {
            //local variables (only for the Button event)
            int len_name = GetWindowTextLength(TextBox_Name)+1; //give the lenght value of the text in the textbox
            int len_content = GetWindowTextLength(TextBox_content)+1; //give the lenght value of the text in the textbox
            wchar_t Text_name[len] = L""; //Wchar is compatible with LPWSTR
            wchar_t Text_content[len] = L""; //Wchar is compatible with LPWSTR
            // get the text of the Text edit and put it in local variable name and content
            GetWindowText(TextBox_Name,  (LPWSTR) Text_name, len_name);
            GetWindowText(TextBox_content, (LPWSTR)Text_content, len_content);
            //verify if the texts are empty
            if (len_name == 1 || len_content == 1) {
                MessageBox(hWnd, L"name and content can't be empty", L"MessageBox", MB_OK); 
            else {
                NameTask.push_back(Text_name); // set name of task in vector of NameTask
                ContentTask.push_back(Text_content); // set content of task in vector of ContentTask
                ComboBox_AddString(Combobox,Text_name); //set name in combobox
                SetWindowText(TextBox_Name, L""); //empty the textbox
                SetWindowText(TextBox_content, L""); //empty the textbox

于 2022-02-15T14:50:09.557 回答

我不知道你真正想做什么。起初,我wchar_t会将std::wstring. 这样您就不需要指定大小。但是,在这里我有一个建议

if (wmId == ID_BUTTON) {
        //local variables (only for the Button event)
        int len_name = GetWindowTextLength(TextBox_Name) + 1; //give the lenght value of the text in the textbox
        int len_content = GetWindowTextLength(TextBox_content) + 1; //give the lenght value of the text in the textbox
        std::wstring Text_name = L""; //Wchar is compatible with LPWSTR
        std::wstring Text_content = L""; //Wchar is compatible with LPWSTR
        // get the text of the Text edit and put it in local variable name and content
        GetWindowText(TextBox_Name, Text_name, len_name);
        GetWindowText(TextBox_content, Text_content, len_content);
        //verify if the texts are empty
        if (wcslen(Text_name) == 0 || wcslen(Text_content) == 0) {
            MessageBox(hWnd, L"name and content can't be empty", L"MessageBox", MB_OK);
        else {
            NameTask.push_back(Text_name); // set name of task in vector of NameTask
            ContentTask.push_back (Text_name); // set content of task in vector of ContentTask
            //ComboBox_AddString(Combobox, Text_name); // add the title of the task in the combotext
            //SetWindowText(TextBox_Name, L""); //empty the textbox
            SetWindowText(TextBox_content, NameTask.at(0)); // visualize first element of vector name
于 2022-02-09T13:39:39.490 回答