我正在构建一个 Slack 机器人应用程序。我希望每次用户打开与机器人的对话时,机器人都会自动说“你好!请问我一个问题”。我想我应该使用事件 API:https ://api.slack.com/events来监听用户操作,但我应该捕获哪个事件?


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使用 AppHomeOpenedEvent 类。

当您在 Slack 的应用程序部分中单击您的机器人或应用程序时。您单击主页选项卡的那一刻,下面的代码在起作用

以下是 Slack Bolt SDK Java 中的示例代码

app.event(AppHomeOpenedEvent.class, (req, ctx) -> {
        var logger = ctx.logger;
        var userId = req.getEvent().getUser();
        try {
            // Call the conversations.create method using the built-in WebClient
            var modalView = view(v -> v
                            section(s -> s.text(markdownText(mt ->
                                    mt.text("*Welcome home, <@" + userId + "> :house:*")))),
                            section(s -> s.text(markdownText(mt ->
                                    mt.text("About the simplest modal you could conceive of :smile:\\n\\nMaybe <https://api.slack.com/reference/block-kit/interactive-components|*make the modal interactive*> or <https://api.slack.com/surfaces/modals/using#modifying|*learn more advanced modal use cases*>.")))),
                            context(c -> c.elements(asContextElements(
                                    markdownText("Psssst this modal was designed using <https://api.slack.com/tools/block-kit-builder|*Block Kit Builder*>")
            var result = ctx.client().viewsPublish(r -> r
                    // The token you used to initialize your app

            // Print result
            logger.info("result: {}", result);
        } catch (IOException | SlackApiException e) {
            logger.error("error: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
        return ctx.ack();
于 2022-02-23T05:57:42.947 回答