We've recently upgraded one of our projects. This involves new versions of JARs also.

Sitemesh was one of them. We updated from 2.2.1 to 2.4.2. Things stopped working.

We had a custom filter extend Sitemesh's PageFilter which now does not work because in v2.4 PageFilter extends SiteMeshFilter which does not expose the same methods (the ones we were overriding).

OK, no biggy, we'll just change our code to match, but then I saw this in the source code I downloaded from http://java.net/downloads/sitemesh/

 * Core Filter for integrating SiteMesh into a Java web application.
 * @author Joe Walnes
 * @author Scott Farquhar
 * @since SiteMesh 3
public class SiteMeshFilter implements Filter {

    private FilterConfig filterConfig;
    private ContainerTweaks containerTweaks;
    private static final String ALREADY_APPLIED_KEY = "com.opensymphony.sitemesh.APPLIED_ONCE";

@since SiteMesh 3? This is v2.4.2. What 3?

Is the release corrupt or what? Am I missing something?


1 回答 1


我在一个项目中使用了 sitemesh 2.4.2,它运行良好。

您可以看到该更改(其中提到了 Sitemesh 3)是在 2005 年他们重构架构以与 sitemesh3 兼容时完成的。这是github中的提交。

我记得几个月前我浏览 javadocs 时也有类似的印象 :)。

所以答案是:jar 没有损坏,它只是弯曲合并的结果。

于 2011-08-18T08:25:48.620 回答