我尝试使用 API 和 ccxt 包在 phemex 上进行交易。我像这样连接到 phemex:

phemex = ccxt.phemex({
   'apiKey': API_KEY,
   'secret': API_SECRET,
   'adjustForTimeDifference': False,
   'enableRateLimit': False,
   'verbose': False})

现在我可以像这样 fethc_ohlcv :

candles = phemex.fetch_ohlcv('BTCUSD', timeframe = '5m', limit = 100)


print("we run the code at: ", pd.Timestamp.now())

但现在我从 fetch_ohlcv 得到这个数据:

Index Datum     Open     High      Low    Close      Volume
0  2022-02-07 08:45:00  42608.0  42634.0  42608.0  42623.0   2480360.0
1  2022-02-07 08:50:00  42623.0  42680.5  42623.0  42680.5   1232756.0
2  2022-02-07 08:55:00  42680.5  42685.0  42622.0  42622.5   3700511.0
3  2022-02-07 09:00:00  42622.5  42642.5  42600.5  42627.0   6300997.0
4  2022-02-07 09:05:00  42627.5  42642.5  42613.0  42613.5   1144301.0
..                 ...      ...      ...      ...      ...         ...
95 2022-02-07 16:40:00  43754.5  43754.5  43526.5  43535.0  13005074.0
96 2022-02-07 16:45:00  43535.0  43675.0  43535.0  43670.5   6104987.0
97 2022-02-07 16:50:00  43671.0  43690.5  43635.0  43675.0   5581606.0
98 2022-02-07 16:55:00  43675.0  43831.0  43675.0  43813.5   3895638.0
99 2022-02-07 17:00:00  43816.0  43819.0  43730.0  43762.5   4510734.0

所以最新的时间戳是下午 5 点(我位于德国)但是我运行这段代码的时间戳是:

we run the code at:  2022-02-07 18:10:00.473305

所以现在是下午 6.10。我认为有 1 小时的差异,因为 ccxt 显示的 UTC 时间戳没问题。但是为什么获取数据会有 10 分钟的延迟呢?

PS:我只每整整 5 分钟运行一次代码,我不会太频繁地获取数据。





from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
import talib, requests, ccxt, schedule
import pandas as pd
import pandas_ta as ta
from pprint import pprint

API_KEY = ""

########## ----- Eingabe:
coin = "BTC"
leverage = 5
limit = 100
faktor = 10000000
symbol = 'BTCUSD'
zeitraum = '5m'

phemex = ccxt.phemex({
    'apiKey': API_KEY,
    'secret': API_SECRET,
    "adjustForTimeDifference": False,
    'enableRateLimit': False,
    'verbose': False

phemex.set_leverage(leverage, 'BTC/USD:BTC')
response = phemex.fetch_balance(params=p)

positions = response['info']['data']['positions']
res = next((sub for sub in positions if sub['leverage']), None)
lever = res['leverage']
free_BTC = response[coin]['free']
used_BTC = response[coin]['used']

candles = phemex.fetch_ohlcv(symbol, timeframe = zeitraum, limit = limit)
candles = pd.DataFrame(candles, columns =['Datum', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume']) 
candles['Datum'] = pd.to_datetime(candles['Datum'], unit='ms')
actual_BTC_value = candles["Close"].iloc[-1]
free_usd = actual_BTC_value * (free_BTC + used_BTC)

trade_amount = free_usd * 0.5 * leverage
amount = trade_amount
print("we run the code at: ", pd.Timestamp.now())


PS C:\Users\user\Desktop\BTC\Phemex>  c:; cd 'c:\Users\user\Desktop\BTC\Phemex'; & 'C:\Users\user\.conda\envs\python36\python.exe' 'c:\Users\user\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2022.0.1786462952\pythonFiles\lib\python\debugpy\launcher' '55429' '--' 'c:\Users\user\Desktop\BTC\Phemex\tets.py' 
                 Datum     Open     High      Low    Close      Volume
98 2022-02-09 08:30:00  43353.5  43353.5  43210.0  43315.0  13009953.0
we run the code at:  2022-02-09 09:40:03.614407
PS C:\Users\danis\Desktop\BTC\Phemex> 

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