我正在使用 PDF 工具包库在 PDF 视图上加载一个 PDF。我在 pdf 视图上添加了一个自定义视图(与 PDF 注释相同),并且我允许用户使用 UIPanGestureRecognizer 在 pdf 视图(在 pdf 视图/容器视图中)移动/拖动该自定义视图。这是一个gif,


如果您看到此 gif,则存在一个问题。该自定义视图超出了 pdf 页面。我想限制它。自定义视图应仅在 pdf 页面内移动/拖动。我该如何解决这个问题?有解决办法吗?

这是链接示例项目和所有代码 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ilhd8gp4AAxB_Q9G9swFbe4KQUHbpyGs/view?usp=sharing


override func didMoveToSuperview() {
        addGestureRecognizer(UIPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(pan)))

@objc func pan(_ gesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
    translate(gesture.translation(in: self))
    gesture.setTranslation(.zero, in: self)
    print("Frames after moving : \(frame)")


extension  CGPoint {
    static func +(lhs: CGPoint, rhs: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
        .init(x: lhs.x + rhs.x, y: lhs.y + rhs.y)
    static func +=(lhs: inout CGPoint, rhs: CGPoint) {
        lhs.x += rhs.x
        lhs.y += rhs.y
extension UIView {
    func translate(_ translation: CGPoint) {
        let destination = center + translation
        let minX = frame.width/2
        let minY = frame.height/2
        let maxX = superview!.frame.width-minX
        let maxY = superview!.frame.height-minY
        center = CGPoint(
            x: min(maxX, max(minX, destination.x)),
            y: min(maxY ,max(minY, destination.y)))

代码 - 获取 PDF 页面高度和宽度

 let page = pdfDocument.page(at: 0)
 let pageRect = page?.bounds(for: .mediaBox)

 print("pdf page width =", (pageRect?.size.width)!, "pdf page height =", (pageRect?.size.height)!)

1 回答 1



由于它们的坐标系不同,因此比较 aUIView's内的框架并不容易。PDFView

PDFAnnotation在与 PDF 坐标系同步的作品中添加 aPDFView在使用 UIView 时,您将需要在坐标空间之间进行一些转换,这可能会很棘手而且不太准确。

PDFKit PDFView 坐标系添加 PDF Annotation UIView



func showWarning(_ show: Bool)
    if show
        contentView1.layer.borderColor = UIColor.red.cgColor
    contentView1.layer.borderColor = UIColor.green.cgColor

我认为SignatoryXibView不应该负责检测和防止超出其超级视图范围,因此我创建了一个 ViewController 需要遵守的协议,以便它可以防止SignatoryXibView超出PDFView范围。

protocol SignatoryViewDelegate: class
    func signatoryView(_ signatoryView: SignatoryXibView,
                       didReceivePanGesture gesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer)

class SignatoryXibView: UIView {

    // Add this
    weak var delegate: SignatoryViewDelegate?
    // .. rest of your code
    func pan(_ gesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer)
        // Hand off view translation handling to the delegate
                                     didReceivePanGesture: gesture)


extension UIView {
    // Your original code
    func translate(_ translation: CGPoint) {
        let destination = center + translation
        let minX = frame.width/2
        let minY = frame.height/2
        let maxX = superview!.frame.width-minX
        let maxY = superview!.frame.height-minY
        center = CGPoint(
            x: min(maxX, max(minX, destination.x)),
            y: min(maxY ,max(minY, destination.y)))
    // I have added this function to return the new rect
    // that would happen if this view translated
    func translatedRect(_ translation: CGPoint) -> CGRect
        // All of this is your calculation
        let destination = center + translation
        let minX = frame.width/2
        let minY = frame.height/2
        let maxX = superview!.frame.width-minX
        let maxY = superview!.frame.height-minY
        var rect = CGRect(origin: .zero,
                          size: CGSize(width: bounds.width,
                                       height: bounds.height))
        let midX = min(maxX, max(minX, destination.x))
        let midY = min(maxY ,max(minY, destination.y))
        // I am not translating here, just creating a new rect
        // of the view if it would be translated
        rect.origin = CGPoint(x: midX - frame.width/2,
                              y: midY - frame.height/2)
        return rect

在您的ViewController's loadPDF()函数中,使您的视图控制器成为SignatoryXibView

// Add Sign on PdfView
// Your code unchanged
let customView = SignatoryXibView(frame: CGRect(x: 150, 
                                                y: 140, 
                                                width: 112, 
                                                height: 58))
customView.signatoryLabel.text = "John Doe"

//Add this
customView.delegate = self


extension ViewController: SignatoryViewDelegate
    func signatoryView(_ signatoryView: SignatoryXibView,
                       didReceivePanGesture gesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer)
        // Get the location where the user has tapped
        let gestureTouchLocation = gesture.translation(in: signatoryView)
        // Get the new frame if the signature view would
        // be translated
        let updatedFrame
            = signatoryView.translatedRect(gestureTouchLocation)
        // Convert this rect from the Signature View's coordinate space
        // To the PDFView's coordinate space
        let updatedFrameConverted
        = pdfView.convert(updatedFrame,
                          to: pdfView.currentPage!)
        print("Updated frame: \(updatedFrame)")
        print("Updated frame converted: \(updatedFrameConverted)")
        print("Signature frame: \(signatoryView.frame)")
        // Retrieve the bounds of the current page
        // Handle the optional properly in your production app
        let pageRect = pdfView.currentPage!.bounds(for: .mediaBox)
        // Check if the new frame of SignatoryXibView is within the bounds of the pdf page
        if updatedFrameConverted.origin.x > CGFloat.zero &&
            updatedFrameConverted.origin.y + updatedFrameConverted.height < pageRect.height &&
            updatedFrameConverted.origin.x + updatedFrameConverted.width < pageRect.width &&
            updatedFrameConverted.origin.y > CGFloat.zero
            // Since the view is within the bounds, you can update the views frame
            signatoryView.translate(gesture.translation(in: signatoryView))
            gesture.setTranslation(.zero, in: signatoryView)
            // Do not show any warning
        // The view has reached the edge of the page so do not perform any view
        // translation and show the warning


PDFKit PDFView 防止注释边界 UIView 边距


  1. 我建议PDFAnnotation在向 PDF 添加内容时使用
  2. 这将正确缩放和滚动页面,尤其是在缩放 PDF 等场景中,您可能需要再次更新视图以使其位于正确的位置


func signatoryView我在函数中更新了一些数学extension ViewController: SignatoryViewDelegate


PDFView UIView 边界注释页面宽度页面高度


于 2022-02-09T04:28:48.797 回答