我正在为颜色猜谜游戏在 PowerShell 中编写脚本。计算机随机选择一种颜色,然后玩家尝试猜测颜色。我让它工作起来,直到我切换脚本中的一些代码行以试图让这两个变量正确显示。现在,我无法让代码运行超过玩家声明他们是否想玩游戏的点。我当前的错误是 do 循环,控制台看不到我有一个 while 循环,因此会引发错误并且不会运行其余代码。
我设法使用 Visual Studio Code 的格式文档功能修复了格式,但我仍然无法解决这个 while 循环问题。
Write-Host ''; 'Hello again my friend!'; ''
$name = Read-Host "What is your name?"
Write-Host ''; "It's good to see you again, $name! Would you like to guess my favorite color?"; ''
$command = Read-Host @'
"How do you answer? (Yes or No?)"
1. Yes (y)
2. No (n)
3. Quit (q)
Enter Choice
switch -Wildcard ($command) {
'Y' { 'Yes!'; '' }
{ $_ -eq 'y' -or $_ -like 'Ye*' } {
Write-Host "This will be fun! Let us begin!"
'N' { 'No!'; '' }
{ $_ -eq 'n' -or $_ -like 'No*' } {
Write-Host "That's too bad, perhaps another day!"
'Q' { 'Quit'; '' }
{ $_ -eq 'q' -or $_ -like 'qu*' } {
Write-Host 'So long!'
default {
'Invalid Command, Please start over.'
[string]$playagain = 'y'
[int]$playerwins = 0
[int]$compwins = 0
[int]$totalguesses = 0
[int]$playergames = 0
[int]$compgames = 0
[int]$round = 1
[int]$game = 1
$cpuchoice = $color
while ($playagain -eq 'y') {
Write-Host ''; "Game $game!"; ''
$cpuchoice = @([System.Enum]::GetValues([System.ConsoleColor])) | Get-Random -Count 1
do {
Write-Host "Round $round! What is my favorite color?"; ''
$listcolor = Read-Host "Would you like to see a list of available colors? Choose 'y' for yes, and 'n' for no."
if ($listcolor -eq 'y') {
elseif ($listcolor -eq 'n') {
Write-Host "Suit yourself, let's start."
else {
Write-Host "Your choice was invalid. Please choose 'y' for yes, or 'n' for no."
do {
$playerchoice = Read-host "Enter your guess"
} while (([System.Enum]::GetValues([System.ConsoleColor])) -notcontains $playerchoice) {
if ($playerchoice -eq $cpuchoice ) {
Write-Host "You win, my favorite color is $cpuchoice." -ForegroundColor $cpuchoice; ''
$playerwins = $playerwins + 1
$totalguesses = $totalguesses + 1
elseif ($playerchoice -ne $cpuchoice ) {
Write-Host "You lose, try again."; ''
$playerguesses += $playerchoice
$playerguesses = $playerguesses.Split(',')
$totalguesses = $totalguesses + 1
Write-Host "Here are your guesses so far: "
$round = $round + 1
until($playerwins -eq 1) {
$playergames = $playergames + 1
Write-Host "You've won this round and have won $playergames games." -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Your total guesses: $totalguesses."
Write-Host "Your wins - $playergames" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Computer wins - $compgames" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$playagain = Read-Host "I enjoyed this game. Would you like to challenge again, $name? Y or N"
while (("y", "n") -notcontains $playagain) {
if ($playagain -eq "y") {
Write-Host "I look forward to our next battle!"; ''
$playerwins = 0
$compwins = 0
$game = $game + 1
elseif ($playagain -eq "n") {
Write-Host "Thank you for playing!"
导致错误的 do 循环是在第一个 while 语句之后以“Write-Host "Round $round!" 开头的循环。