在驱动程序初始化期间,在 NTVDM.exe 下的 32 位 Windows 10 21H2(OS Build 19044.1466)上运行时,是否可以从c:\windows\system32\config.nt加载的驱动程序获取键盘输入?此时我只是想模拟“按任意键继续...”

我已经尝试过 DOS API AH=08h INT 21h 和 BIOS API AH=00h INT 16h 但两者似乎都冻结并且没有检测到输入。


; *******************************************************************
; * Press Any Key To Continue DRIVER                                *
; *******************************************************************

cseg        segment para    public  'code'
presskey    proc    far
            assume  cs:cseg,es:cseg,ds:cseg

; *******************************************************************
; * MAIN PROCEDURE CODE                                             *
; *******************************************************************


; *******************************************************************
; * DEVICE HEADER - REQUIRED BY DOS                                 *
; *******************************************************************

next_dev    dd  -1              ; no other device drivers
attribute   dw  8000h           ; character device
strategy    dw  dev_strategy    ; address of 1st dos call
interrupt   dw  dev_interrupt   ; address of 2nd dos call
dev_name    db  'PRESSKEY$ '      ; name of the driver

; *******************************************************************
; * WORK SPACE FOR THE DEVICE DRIVER                                *
; *******************************************************************

rh_ofs      dw  ?               ; request header offset
rh_seg      dw  ?               ; request header segment
msg1        db  07h 
            db  'Press any key to continue...'
            db  0dh,0ah,07h,'$'

; *******************************************************************
; * THE STRATEGY PROCEDURE                                          *
; *******************************************************************

dev_strategy:                   ; first call from DOS
    mov     cs:rh_seg,es        ; save request header ptr segment
    mov     cs:rh_ofs,bx        ; save request header ptr offset

; *******************************************************************
; * THE INTERRUPT PROCEDURE                                         *
; *******************************************************************

dev_interrupt:                  ; second call from DOS
    cld                         ; save machine state on entry
    push    ds
    push    es
    push    ax
    push    bx
    push    cx  
    push    dx
    push    di
    push    si

; perform branch based on the command passed in the req header

    mov     al,es:[bx]+2        ; get command code
    cmp     al,0                ; check for 0
    jnz     exit3               ; no - exit go to error exit
    rol     al,1                ; get offset into table
    lea     di,cmdtab           ; get address of command table
    mov     ah,0                ; clear hi order
    add     di,ax               ; add offset
    jmp     word ptr[di]        ; jump indirect

; command table
;       the command code field of the static request
;       field contains the function to be performed

cmdtab  label   byte            ;
        dw      init            ; initialization

; *******************************************************************
; *     LOCAL PROCEDURES                                            *
; *******************************************************************

initial proc    near
    lea     dx,msg1             ; initialization
    mov     ah,9                ; message
    int     21h                 ; dos call
    mov     ah,0                ; wait for key press
    int     16h
    ret                         ; return
initial endp

; *******************************************************************
; *     DOS COMMAND PROCESSING                                      *
; *******************************************************************

;command    0   initialization

init:   call    initial         ; display a message
        lea     ax,exit         ; get end address (offset)
        mov     es:[bx]+0eh,ax  ; store offset address
        push    cs              ; get end
        pop     ax              ; address (segment)
        mov     es:[bx]+10h,ax  ; store in break address
        jmp     exit2

; *******************************************************************
; *     ERROR EXIT                                                  *
; *******************************************************************

; Set the done flag, error flag, and unknown command error code

exit3:  mov     es:word ptr 3[bx],8103h
        jmp     exit1                   ; restore environment

; *******************************************************************
; *     COMMON EXIT                                                 *
; *******************************************************************

; common exits fall thru code
;   2 sets status to done and no error
;   1 restore callers es:bx
;   0 restore machine state and exit

exit2:                                  ; set done flag and no error
        mov     es:word ptr 3[bx],0100h
exit1:  mov     bx,cs:rh_ofs            ; restore req hdr to bx and es
        mov     es,cs:rh_seg            ; as saved by dev_Strategy
exit0:  pop     si                      ; restore all registers
        pop     di
        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        pop     bx
        pop     ax
        pop     es
        pop     ds

; *******************************************************************
; *     END OF PROGRAM                                              *
; *******************************************************************

presskey    endp
cseg        ends
            end     begin

; that's all folks!

我正在用 masm 构建:

masm presskey.asm
link presskey
exe2bin presskey.exe presskey.sys

1 回答 1


BIOS.WaitKey 函数 00h 冻结计算机不一定是真的。可能是您的驱动程序冻结了它,因为您忘记设置许多寄存器!

assume cs:cseg,es:cseg,ds:cseg本身是不够的。您需要确保DSES段寄存器获得正确的值。

push    cs
pop     ds

当您的dev_interrupt例程被调用时,ES:BX需要由您的代码设置。这就是为什么我们有一个dev_strategy例程。您没有这样做,因此您覆盖了错误的内存并且没有将“DONE”返回到 RequestHeaderStatusWord 或让 DOS 知道驱动程序的末尾在哪里。

dev_interrupt:                  ; second call from DOS
    cld                         ; save machine state on entry
    push    ds
    push    es
    push    ax
    push    bx
    push    cx  
    push    dx
    push    di
    push    si

    push    cs               ADD THIS
    pop     ds               ADD THIS
    mov     es, rh_seg       ADD THIS    ; request header ptr segment
    mov     bx, rh_ofs       ADD THIS    ; request header ptr offset

; perform branch based on the command passed in the req header

    mov     al,es:[bx]+2        ; get command code
    cmp     al,0                ; check for 0
    jnz     exit3               ; no - exit go to error exit
    rol     al,1                ; get offset into table
    lea     di,cmdtab           ; get address of command table
    mov     ah,0                ; clear hi order
    add     di,ax               ; add offset
    jmp     word ptr[di]        ; jump indirect

为了清楚起见,最好也将其更改rol al,1为不那么令人困惑的内容shl al,1。但那当然是我...

于 2022-02-01T20:33:57.527 回答