我希望总结喷气机中所有成分的 4 动量。在 uproot3 (+ uproot3-methods) 中,有创建一个 TLorentzVectorArray 并只是做 .sum() 的功能


import uproot3
import akward0 as ak

input_file = uproot3.open(input_path)
tree = input_file['Jets']
pt = tree.array('Constituent_pt')
phi = tree.array('Constituent_phi')
eta = tree.array('Constituent_eta')
energy = tree.array('Constituent_energy')
mass = tree.array('Constituent_mass')
p4 = uproot3_methods.TLorentzVectorArray.from_ptetaphie(pt, eta, phi, energy)
jet_p4_u3 = p4.sum()
jet_pt_u3 = jet_p4.pt
jet_eta_u3 = jet_p4.eta
jet_phi_u3 = jet_p4.phi
jet_energy_u3 = jet_p4.energy

然而,由于 uproot3 已被弃用,根据Uproot 4 中的 TLorentz 矢量的方式似乎是矢量包。我尝试的是以下内容。

import uproot
import awkward
import vector

input_file = uproot.open(input_path)
tree = input_file['Jets']
pt = tree.arrays()['Constituent_pt']
phi = tree.arrays()['Constituent_phi']
eta = tree.arrays()['Constituent_eta']
energy = tree.arrays()['Constituent_energy']
mass = tree.arrays()['Constituent_mass']
p4 = vector.awk({"pt": pt, "phi": phi, "eta": eta, "energy": energy})

p4.sum()现在的问题是那里似乎不存在此功能。我发现的另一种可能性显示在向量讨论 #117中。所以,现在我在导入之后添加vector.register_awkward()到最后jet_p4_u4 = ak.Array(p4, with_name="Momentum4D")

import uproot
import awkward
import vector

input_file = uproot.open(input_path)
tree = input_file['Jets']
pt = tree.arrays()['Constituent_pt']
phi = tree.arrays()['Constituent_phi']
eta = tree.arrays()['Constituent_eta']
energy = tree.arrays()['Constituent_energy']
mass = tree.arrays()['Constituent_mass']
p4 = ak.Array({"pt": pt, "phi": phi, "eta": eta, "energy": energy})
jet_p4_u4 = ak.Array(p4, with_name="Momentum4D")

问题仍然存在,我如何总结 4 动量?在执行 ak.sum(jet_p4_u4, axis=-1) 时,只有 pt 和 energy 似乎具有正确的值,但 eta 和 phi 与 uproot3 的结果完全不同。

更新:似乎由于 ```ak.sum`` 函数无法以所需的方式将角度相加,因此用求和 x、y、z 和能量替换求和部分并像这样构造向量解决了问题。但是,我相信一定有比这更好的方法。所以当前的工作版本:

import uproot
import awkward
import vector

input_file = uproot.open(input_path)
tree = input_file['Jets']
pt = tree.arrays()['Constituent_pt']
phi = tree.arrays()['Constituent_phi']
eta = tree.arrays()['Constituent_eta']
energy = tree.arrays()['Constituent_energy']
mass = tree.arrays()['Constituent_mass']
p4 = vector.awk({"pt": pt, "phi": phi, "eta": eta, "energy": energy})
p4_lz = vector.awk({"x": p4.x, "y": p4.y, "z": p4.z, "t": energy})
lz_sum = ak.sum(p4_lz, axis=-1)
jet_p4 = vector.awk({
    "x": lz_sum.x,
    "y": lz_sum.y,
    "z": lz_sum.z,
    "t": lz_sum.t
jet_energy = jet_p4.t
jet_mass = jet_p4.tau
jet_phi = jet_p4.phi
jet_pt = jet_p4.rho

1 回答 1



import uproot
import awkward as ak
import vector
vector.register_awkward()   # any record named "Momentum4D" will be Lorentz

with uproot.open(input_path) as input_file:
    tree = input_file["Jets"]
    arrays = tree.arrays(filter_name="Constituent_*")
    p4 = ak.zip({
        "pt": arrays.Constituent_pt,
        "phi": arrays.Constituent_phi,
        "eta": arrays.Constituent_eta,
        "energy": arrays.Constituent_energy,
    }, with_name="Momentum4D")
    jet_p4 = ak.zip({
        "px": ak.sum(p4.px, axis=-1),
        "py": ak.sum(p4.py, axis=-1),
        "pz": ak.sum(p4.pz, axis=-1),
        "energy": ak.sum(p4.energy, axis=-1)
    }, with_name="Momentum4D")

Note that the uproot.TTree.arrays function, if given no arguments, will read all TBranches in the TTree. In your function, you read all the data four times, each time selecting a different column from the data that had been read and throwing the rest out.

Also, I don't like the vector.awk function because it can construct arrays of type:

N * Momentum4D[px: var * float64, py: var * float64, pz: var * float64, E: var * float64]

(in other words, each "px" value is a list of floats), rather than what you want:

N * var * Momentum4D[px: float64, py: float64, pz: float64, E: float64]

ak.zip combines the lists so that the "px" of each Lorentz vector is just a number, but you can have nested lists of Lorentz vectors. This only makes a difference if you have jagged arrays, but I'm pointing it out so that no one falls into this trap.

The with_name="Momentum4D" argument labels the records with that name, and having Lorentz-vector behaviors registered with vector.register_awkward() gives all such records Lorentz vector methods. In this case, we're using it so that p4, defined in terms of pt, phi, eta, energy, has properties px, py, pz—in other words, doing coordinate transformations on demand.

There isn't a Lorentz vector summation method that sums over each item in a jagged array (the uproot-methods one was a hack that only works for jagged arrays of Lorentz vectors, no other structures, like jagged-jagged, etc.), so sum the components with ak.sum in Cartesian coordinates.

于 2022-02-01T01:49:59.130 回答