当我尝试使用用户分配的托管标识从 Azure Key Vault 为我的 API 管理实例获取自定义 TLS/SSL 证书时遇到问题,如下所述:获取 API 管理实例的自定义 TLS/SSL 证书从 Azure Key Vault。与文档的不同之处在于我的 Key Vault 启用了网络访问规则。特别是用户分配的托管标识和密钥保管库的防火墙的组合很麻烦。


  1. 为 APIM 创建 vnet + 子网
  2. 创建用户分配的托管标识
  3. 创建密钥保管库。允许从 APIM 的子网进行网络访问,并为用户分配的托管身份的机密创建 GET/LIST 访问策略
  4. 生成自签名证书并将其导入密钥保管库
  5. 部署 APIM(开发人员 SKU,内部 vnet 模式,具有用户分配的托管标识,使用来自密钥库的 ssl 证书的自定义主机名配置)


这会导致以下错误消息。该消息具有误导性,因为给定的身份确实具有 GET 权限。

Failed to access KeyVault Secret https://kv-xxx.vault.azure.net/secrets/gateway-certificate/58542d0de4094c60856f97482a9b2e69 using Managed Service Identity (http://aka.ms/apimmsi) of Api Management service. Check if Managed Identity of Type: UserAssigned, ClientId: 2fa6db22-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx and ObjectId: 91f8fa07-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx has GET permissions on secrets in the KeyVault Access Policies.



  • 系统分配的托管标识 + 密钥保管库上的防火墙
  • 用户分配的托管标识 + 密钥保管库上没有防火墙


我使用 Bicep 部署我的资源,但我通过 Portal 遇到了同样的问题。

APIM 的二头肌模块:

@description('Name of APIM service')
param apimName string

param location string = resourceGroup().location

@description('SKU name of APIM')
param skuName string

@description('Capacity of the SKU (number of deployed units of the SKU)')
param skuCapacity int

@description('Id of the subnet')
param subnetId string

@description('Publisher email')
param publisherEmail string

@description('Publisher name')
param publisherName string

@description('Id of the managed identity')
param managedIdentityId string

@description('Client id of the managed identity')
param managedIdentityClientId string

@description('Reference to the Key Vault certificate')
param certificateKeyVaultId string

@description('Reference to the Key Vault certificate')
param certificateKeyVaultPassword string

@description('Hostname of the gateway')
param gatewayHostname string

resource apim 'Microsoft.ApiManagement/service@2021-08-01' = {
  name: apimName
  location: location
  sku: {
    capacity: skuCapacity
    name: skuName
  identity: {
    type: 'UserAssigned'
    userAssignedIdentities: {
      '${managedIdentityId}': {}
  properties: {
    hostnameConfigurations: [
        type: 'Proxy'
        hostName: gatewayHostname
        defaultSslBinding: true
        certificateSource: 'KeyVault'
        identityClientId: managedIdentityClientId
        keyVaultId: certificateKeyVaultId
        certificatePassword: certificateKeyVaultPassword
    publisherEmail: publisherEmail
    publisherName: publisherName
    virtualNetworkConfiguration: {
      subnetResourceId: subnetId
    virtualNetworkType: 'Internal'



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