我有两个多元时间序列 x 和 y,它们的时间范围大致相同(一个比另一个早两年开始,但它们在同一日期结束)。两个系列都缺少日期列旁边的空列形式的观察结果,并且从某种意义上说,其中一个系列有多个日期在另一个系列中找不到,反之亦然。
我想创建一个数据框(或类似的),其中有一列列出了在 x 或 y 中找到的所有日期,没有重复的日期。对于每个日期(行),我想将 x 的观察值水平堆叠在 y 的观察值旁边,NA 填充缺失的单元格。例子:
"1987-01-01" 7.1 NA 3
"1987-01-02" 5.2 5 2
"1987-01-06" 2.3 NA 9
"1987-01-01" 55.3 66 45
"1987-01-03" 77.3 87 34
# result I would like
"1987-01-01" 7.1 NA 3 55.3 66 45
"1987-01-02" 5.2 5 2 NA NA NA
"1987-01-03" NA NA NA 77.3 87 34
"1987-01-06" 2.3 NA 9 NA NA NA
我尝试过:使用 zoo 包,我尝试过 merge.zoo 方法,但这似乎只是将两个系列彼此相邻堆叠,日期(如数字,例如“1987-01-02”所示作为 6210)来自每个系列,出现在两个单独的列中。
编辑:根据 Soumendra 的建议,下面包含一些代码
atcoa <- read.csv(file = "ATCOA_full_adj.csv", header = TRUE)
atcob <- read.csv(file = "ATCOB_full_adj.csv", header = TRUE)
atcoa$date <- as.Date(atcoa$date)
atcob$date <- as.Date(atcob$date)
# only number of observations and the observations themselves differ
'data.frame': 6151 obs. of 8 variables:
$ date :Class 'Date' num [1:6151] 6210 6213 6215 6216 6217 ...
$ max : num 4.31 4.33 4.38 4.18 4.13 4.05 4.08 4.05 4.08 4.1 ...
$ min : num 4.28 4.31 4.28 4.13 4.05 3.95 3.97 3.95 4 4.02 ...
$ close : num 4.31 4.33 4.31 4.15 4.1 3.97 4 3.97 4.08 4.02 ...
$ avg : num NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
$ tot.vol : int 877733 89724 889437 1927113 3050611 846525 1782774 1497998 2504466 5636999 ...
$ turnover : num 3762300 388900 3835900 8015900 12468100 ...
$ transactions: int 12 9 24 17 31 26 34 35 37 33 ...
>atcoa[1:1, ]
date a.max a.min a.close a.avg a.tot.vol a.turnover a.transactions
1 1987-01-02 4.31 4.28 4.31 NA 877733 3762300 12
# using timeSeries package
ts.atcoa <- timeSeries::as.timeSeries(atcoa, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
ts.atcob <- timeSeries::as.timeSeries(atcob, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
Time Series:
Name: object
Data Matrix:
Dimension: 6151 7
Column Names: a.max a.min a.close a.avg a.tot.vol a.turnover a.transactions
Row Names: 1970-01-01 01:43:30 ... 1970-01-01 04:12:35
Start: 1970-01-01 01:43:30
End: 1970-01-01 04:12:35
Format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
FinCenter: GMT
Units: a.max a.min a.close a.avg a.tot.vol a.turnover a.transactions
Title: Time Series Object
Documentation: Wed Aug 17 13:00:50 2011
>ts.atcoa[1:1, ]
a.max a.min a.close a.avg a.tot.vol a.turnover a.transactions
1970-01-01 01:43:30 4.31 4.28 4.31 NA 877733 3762300 12
# The following will create an object of class "data frame" and mode "list", which contains observations for the days mutual for the two series
>ts.atco <- timeSeries::merge(atcoa, atcob) # produces same result as base::merge, apparently
>ts.atco[1:1, ]
date a.max a.min a.close a.avg a.tot.vol a.turnover a.transactions b.max b.min b.close b.avg b.tot.vol b.turnover b.transactions
1 1989-08-25 7.92 7.77 7.79 NA 269172 2119400 19 7.69 7.56 7.64 NA 81176693 593858000 12
atcoa <- read.zoo(read.csv(file = "ATCOA_full_adj.csv", header = TRUE))
atcob <- read.zoo(read.csv(file = "ATCOB_full_adj.csv", header = TRUE))
names(atcoa) <- c("a.max", "a.min", "a.close",
"a.avg", "a.tot.vol", "a.turnover", "a.transactions")
names(atcob) <- c("b.max", "b.min", "b.close",
"b.avg", "b.tot.vol", "b.turnover", "b.transactions")
atco <- merge.zoo(atcoa, atcob)