正如@Xaerxess 所说,唯一(某种)工作的是从控制台中获取控制台。
// ==UserScript==
// @name Protect console
// @namespace util
// @description Protect console methods from being overriden
// @include *
// @version 1
// @grant none
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
* This object contains new methods assigned to console.
* @type {{[x:string]:Function}} **/
const consoleOverridenValues = {};
* This object contains original methods copied from the console object
* @type {{[x:string]:Function}} **/
const originalConsole = {};
window.originalConsole = originalConsole;
// This is the original console object taken from window object
const originalConsoleObject = console;
* @param {string} name
function protectConsoleEntry(name) {
const protectorSetter = function (newValue) {
originalConsole.warn("Someone tried to change console." + name + " to ", newValue);
consoleOverridenValues[name] = function () {
/// call original console first
originalConsole[name].apply(originalConsoleObject, arguments);
if (typeof newValue == "function") {
/// call inherited console
newValue.apply(window.console, arguments);
const getter = function () {
if (consoleOverridenValues[name])
return consoleOverridenValues[name];
return originalConsole[name];
Object.defineProperty(console, name, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: false,
get: getter,
set: protectorSetter
*** This section contains window.console protection
*** It mirrors any properties of newly assigned values
*** to the overridenConsoleValues
*** so that they can be used properly
* This is any new object assigned to window.console
* @type {Object} **/
var consoleOverridenObject = null;
/// Separate boolean is used instead
/// of checking consoleOverridenObject == null
/// This allows null and undefined to be assigned with
/// expected result
var consoleIsOverriden = false;
for (var i in console) {
originalConsole[i] = console[i];
Object.defineProperty(window, "console", {
/// always returns the original console object
/// get: function () { return consoleIsOverriden ? consoleOverridenObject : originalConsoleObject; },
get: function () { return originalConsoleObject; },
set: function (val) {
originalConsole.log("Somebody tried to override window.console. I blocked this attempt."
+ " However the emulation is not perfect in this case because: \n"
+ " window.console = myObject;\n"
+ " window.console == myObject\n"
+ "returns false."
consoleIsOverriden = true;
consoleOverridenObject = val;
for (let propertyName in val) {
consoleOverridenValues[propertyName] = val[propertyName];
return console;