我是 Royle-Nichols 多类群占用模型的新手。运行我在此处附加的代码后,我得到“jags.model 中的错误(model.file,data = data,inits = init.values,n.chains = n.chains,:节点 y[2,1] 节点中的错误与父母不合”。



      sink(file = here("data","RN.model.formula.aug.txt"))
      cat("model { 
      # prior distributions on community level estimates - hyperparameters
      psi ~ dunif(0,1)  # inclusion rate that generates wi
      # mean value (mu)
      # parameter related to abundance
      mu.a0 ~ dnorm(0,0.5)  # intercept on lambda
      mu.a1 ~ dnorm(0,0.5)  # slope on lambda for hydrography
      mu.a2 ~ dnorm(0,0.5)  # slope on lambda for floodded
      mu.a3 ~ dnorm(0,0.5)  # slope on lambda for deforestation
      mu.a4 ~ dnorm(0,0.5)  # slope on lambda for PA
      mu.a5 ~ dnorm(0,0.5)  # slope on lambda for City HP
      mu.a6 ~ dnorm(0,0.5)  # slope on lambda for Local HP
      mu.com~ dnorm(0,0.5)  # intecept on lambda for community
      # parameter related to detectability
      mu.r0 ~ dnorm(0,0.5)  # intercept on lambda
      mu.r1 ~ dnorm(0,0.5)  # slope on lambda for hydrography
      mu.r2 ~ dnorm(0,0.5)  # slope on lambda for floodded
      mu.r3 ~ dnorm(0,0.5)  # slope on lambda for deforestation
      mu.r4 ~ dnorm(0,0.5)  # slope on lambda for PA
      mu.r5 ~ dnorm(0,0.5)  # slope on lambda for City HP
      mu.r6 ~ dnorm(0,0.5)  # slope on lambda for Local HP
      mu.r7 ~ dnorm(0,0.5)  # slope on lambda for Effort
      # standard deviation
      # parameter related to abundance
      sigma.a0 ~ dunif(0,10)    # intercept
      sigma.a1 ~ dunif(0,10)    # hydrography
      sigma.a2 ~ dunif(0,10)    # floodded
      sigma.a3 ~ dunif(0,10)    # deforestation
      sigma.a4 ~ dunif(0,10)    # PA
      sigma.a5 ~ dunif(0,10)    # City HP
      sigma.a6 ~ dunif(0,10)    # Local HP
      sigma.com~ dunif(0,10)    # Community
      # parameter related to detectability
      sigma.r0 ~ dunif(0,10) # intercept
      sigma.r1 ~ dunif(0,10) # hydrography
      sigma.r2 ~ dunif(0,10) # floodded
      sigma.r3 ~ dunif(0,10) # deforestation
      sigma.r4 ~ dunif(0,10) # PA
      sigma.r5 ~ dunif(0,10) # City HP
      sigma.r6 ~ dunif(0,10) # Local HP
      sigma.r7 ~ dunif(0,10) # Effort
      # create precision
      # parameter related to abundance
      tau.a0 <- pow(sigma.a0,-2)
      tau.a1 <- pow(sigma.a1,-2)
      tau.a2 <- pow(sigma.a2,-2)
      tau.a3 <- pow(sigma.a3,-2)
      tau.a4 <- pow(sigma.a4,-2)
      tau.a5 <- pow(sigma.a5,-2)
      tau.a6 <- pow(sigma.a6,-2)
      tau.com<- pow(sigma.com,-2)
      # parameter related to detectability
      tau.r0 <- pow(sigma.r0,-2)
      tau.r1 <- pow(sigma.r1,-2)
      tau.r2 <- pow(sigma.r2,-2)
      tau.r3 <- pow(sigma.r3,-2)
      tau.r4 <- pow(sigma.r4,-2)
      tau.r5 <- pow(sigma.r5,-2)
      tau.r6 <- pow(sigma.r6,-2)
      tau.r7 <- pow(sigma.r7,-2)
      ## generating priors for Community random variable for each species; governed by community-level hyperparameters
      for(i in 1:(nspecies+nzeros)){
       for (b in 1:n.comunidade){
             acom[b,i] ~ dnorm (mu.com, tau.com) # random effect communities
             } #j
            } #i
       for(i in 1:(nspecies+nzeros)) {
       # generating parameters for each species related to abundance; governed by community-level hyperparameters
       a0[i] ~ dnorm(mu.a0,tau.a0)#I(-10,10)
       a1[i] ~ dnorm(mu.a1,tau.a1)#I(-10,10)
       a2[i] ~ dnorm(mu.a2,tau.a2)#I(-10,10)
       a3[i] ~ dnorm(mu.a3,tau.a3)#I(-10,10)
       a4[i] ~ dnorm(mu.a4,tau.a4)#I(-10,10)
       a5[i] ~ dnorm(mu.a5,tau.a5)#I(-10,10)
       a6[i] ~ dnorm(mu.a6,tau.a6)#I(-10,10)
       # generating parameters for each species related to individual detection; governed by community-level hyperparameters
       r0[i] ~ dnorm(mu.r0,tau.r0)#I(-10,10)
       r1[i] ~ dnorm(mu.r1,tau.r1)#I(-10,10)
       r2[i] ~ dnorm(mu.r2,tau.r2)#I(-10,10)
       r3[i] ~ dnorm(mu.r3,tau.r3)#I(-10,10)
       r4[i] ~ dnorm(mu.r4,tau.r4)#I(-10,10)
       r5[i] ~ dnorm(mu.r5,tau.r5)#I(-10,10)
       r6[i] ~ dnorm(mu.r6,tau.r6)#I(-10,10)
       r7[i] ~ dnorm(mu.r7,tau.r7)#I(-10,10)

        # indicator variable whether each species is exposed to sampling or not
        w[i] ~ dbern(psi)
        #likelihood - Ecological model for latent abundance of species i in sites j
        for(j in 1:nSites){
        # population abundances.
        log(lambda[j,i]) <- a0[i] + a1[i]*Hyd[j] + a2[i]*Flo[j] + a3[i]*Def[j] + a4[i]*UC[j] + a5[i]*HP.C[j] + a6[i]*HP.L[j] + acom[Comunidade[j],i]
        Z[j,i] ~ dpois(lambda[j,i]) # latent abundance of each species in each site
        A[j,i] <- Z[j,i] * w[i]     # latent abundance only for extant species
        o[j,i] <- step(A[j,i]-1)    # occupancy of each species in each site
        # detection process model
        r[j,i] <- 1/(1+exp(-(r0[i] + r1[i]*Hyd[j]  + r2[i]*Flo[j] + r3[i]*Def[j] + r4[i]*UC[j] + r5[i]*HP.C[j] + r6[i]*HP.L[j] + r7[i]*Eff.2[j])))
        #logit(r[j,i]) <- -(r0[i] + r1[i]*Hyd[j]  + r2[i]*Flo[j] + r3[i]*Def[j] + r4[i]*UC[j] + r5[i]*HP.C[j] + r6[i]*HP.L[j] + r7[i]*Eff.2[j])
        p[j,i] <- 1-pow(1-r[j,i],A[j,i])    
        y[j,i] ~ dbin(p[j,i], k[j])  # model observation data as binomial outcome with prob p and k trials
        ## counting species richness at site
        #for(j in 1:nSites){
        #SR[j]  <- sum(o[j,])   # whole species
        ## counting abundance at site
        #AB[j]  <- sum(A[j,])   # whole species
        ### counting total number of species
        n0 <- sum(w[(nspecies+1):(nspecies+nzeros)])
        N <- nspecies + n0
        # Determine point level richness
        for(j in 1:nSites){
        Nsite[j] <- inprod(o[j,1:(nspecies+nzeros)],w[1:(nspecies+nzeros)])

我的数据包含 720 个站点和 29 个检测到的物种和 10 个任意未检测到的物种(用于数据增强)。


# initial values
inits < -function() list (
mu.a0=rnorm(1), mu.a1=rnorm(1), mu.a2=rnorm(1), mu.a3=rnorm(1), mu.a4=rnorm(1), mu.a5=rnorm(1), mu.a6=rnorm(1), mu.com=rnorm(1),
mu.r0=rnorm(1), mu.r1=rnorm(1), mu.r2=rnorm(1), mu.r3=rnorm(1), mu.r4=rnorm(1), mu.r5=rnorm(1), mu.r6=rnorm(1), mu.r7=rnorm(1),
sigma.a0=runif(n=1,min=0.5,max=1), sigma.a1=runif(n=1,min=0.5,max=1), sigma.a2=runif(n=1,min=0.5,max=1), sigma.a3=runif(n=1,min=0.5,max=1), sigma.a4=runif(n=1,min=0.5,max=1), sigma.a5=runif(n=1,min=0.5,max=1), sigma.a6=runif(n=1,min=0.5,max=1), sigma.com=runif(n=1,min=0.5,max=1),
sigma.r0=runif(n=1,min=0.5,max=1), sigma.r1=runif(n=1,min=0.5,max=1), sigma.r2=runif(n=1,min=0.5,max=1), sigma.r3=runif(n=1,min=0.5,max=1), sigma.r4=runif(n=1,min=0.5,max=1), sigma.r5=runif(n=1,min=0.5,max=1), sigma.r6=runif(n=1,min=0.5,max=1), sigma.r7=runif(n=1,min=0.5,max=1),
Z=matrix(rpois(n=(nspecies+nzeros)*nSites,lambda=0.05), nrow=nSites,ncol=(nspecies+nzeros)),
#Z=matrix(rbinom((nspecies+nzeros)*nSites, size=1,prob=0.1), nrow=nSites, ncol=(nspecies+nzeros)), 

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