- 方法,该方法将字符串和整数作为输入,并填充间距,以使字符串具有与给定整数相同的长度。我已经按照这个问题的答案去做了。
Input = "hi hi hi" 20
Output = hi hi hi
//Add spaces to string until it is of desired length
static String justify(StringBuilder text, int width) {
String[] inputLS = text.toString().split(" "); //Split string into list of words
//Sum the length of the words
int sumOfWordLengths = 0;
for (String word : inputLS){ sumOfWordLengths += word.length(); }
int padding = width-sumOfWordLengths; //How much spacing we need
String lastWord = inputLS[inputLS.length - 1]; //Last word in list of strings
//Remove the last word
ArrayList<String> withoutLast = new ArrayList<>
(Arrays.asList(inputLS).subList(0, inputLS.length - 1));
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); //Initialize StringBuilder
//Iterate over strings and add spacing (we do not add spacing to the last word)
while (padding > 0){
for(String word : withoutLast){
result.append(word).append(" ");
result.append(lastWord); //Add the last word again
return result.toString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
// IO
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); //Initialize scanner
System.out.println("Please enter a string and an integer: "); //Ask for input from user
String line = scanner.nextLine(); //Get input-string from user
String[] strings = line.split(" "); //Split string at " " into list of strings
String text = strings[0]; //Get first element from list as string
int width = Integer.parseInt(strings[1]); //Get second element from list as an int
// Create a string with three times the input text with spaces between
StringBuilder forJustify = new StringBuilder();
for(int i=0; i<3; i++){ forJustify.append(text).append(" "); }
// Make sure the length of the string is less than the given int
if (text == null || text.length() > width) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Whoops! Invalid input. Try again.");
System.out.println("Gave this as input:\t" + forJustify);
System.out.println("Justify:\t\t\t" + justify(forJustify, width));
Please enter a string and an integer:
hi 20
Gave this as input: hi hi hi
Justify: hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi
Please enter a string and an integer:
hi 20
Gave this as input: hi hi hi
Justify: hi hi hi
我知道 有while-loop