我正在开发一个微服务,它是 Personio 的代理/外观,允许我们过滤和以其他方式操作他们的 API 自己的响应。
我们有几个端点允许授权用户在编辑后接收 Personio 的响应。这些端点允许消费者包含任何查询参数并将它们“按原样”转发给 Personio,以便 Personio 决定它是否支持参数、忽略参数或导致服务器呕吐。
我们使用 Swagger 来记录我们自己的端点。
/// <summary>
/// This endpoint acts as a proxy for Personio's Employee records, filtering the results only to include Montage employees..
/// Any query parameters passed to this endpoint will be passed "as-is" to Personio.
/// At this time (2021 December 22), Personio only supports "limit", "offset", and "email" on the Employee endpoint
/// While Personio itself does not require the "limit" parameter, this is known to cause performance issues, so if the consumer do not
/// provide this, we will set this to the maximum value of 200.
/// @see also: https://developer.personio.de/reference#employees-1
/// </summary>
[Authorize(Roles = MontageReadRole)]
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(PagedList<JObject>), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(List<ErrorMessage>), StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden)]
public Task<IActionResult> GetMontageEmployees(CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>
GetMontageData(_personioEmployeeService.GetMontageEmployees, cancellationToken);
private async Task<IActionResult> GetMontageData<T>(Func<IQueryCollection, CancellationToken, TryAsync<RequestResponse<T>>> getData, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
IActionResult result = null;
_ = await getData(Request.Query, cancellationToken)
Succ: response =>
result = Ok(response),
Fail: exception =>
result = _controllerErrorHandler.CreateBadRequestObject(new()
Status = StatusCodes.Status422UnprocessableEntity,
Type = "Unprocessable Entity",
Detail = exception.Message
return result;
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
return _controllerErrorHandler.CreateAuthenticationFailureResponse(ex);
...它们不是端点方法签名的一部分,因此 Swagger 无法合理地知道它是否受支持。