我正在尝试开发一个 kubeflow 管道组件。它拉出一个(如果我简化的话)一个简单的 docker 图像:

FROM tensorflow/tensorflow:2.7.0-gpu

但是,在拉取 docker 映像时,kfp 需要运行,python3 -m ensurepip但我收到一条错误消息/usr/bin/python3: No module named ensurepip。我试图添加:

RUN apt-get update
RUN yes | apt-get install python3-venv
RUN yes | apt-get install python3-pip

到我的 Dockerfile 但现在我收到错误消息:

ensurepip is disabled in Debian/Ubuntu for the system python.

Python modules for the system python are usually handled by dpkg and apt-get.

    apt install python3-<module name>

Install the python3-pip package to use pip itself.  Using pip together
with the system python might have unexpected results for any system installed
module, so use it on your own risk, or make sure to only use it in virtual

尝试运行 ensurepip 命令时。您是否看到任何解决方案来完成这项工作?我使用的是 kfp 版本 1.7.1,因为它受到 spacy 的限制......谢谢!


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